At the meeting Committee on Foreign Affairs (SZA) listened to "Information from the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Digitalization on the priorities of Polish foreign policy in the context of dynamic political, geopolitical and geo-economic processes".
In information provided by Piotr Wawrzyk, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Marek Zagórski, Secretary of State at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, it was emphasized that the proposed amendment is not intended to exclude specific service and technology providers, but only to protect the state against so-called high-risk providers. The main change contained in the amendment is the implementation of mechanisms for assessing suppliers and technologies in terms of cyber security. It was also pointed out that such legal steps have been taken or are being taken by other EU member states, as well as non-EU countries, while the term "high-risk provider" has long been used in documents of EU institutions, including the European Commission. It was pointed out that the amendment should be understood as a tool that will allow responding in a legal manner to threats that may arise at the stage of selecting a service provider, but also during the subsequent use of ICT networks.

During Committee on the Environment, Natural Resources and Forestry (OSZ) information was presented on the activities of the State Forest Enterprise (Państwowe Gospodarstwo Leśne Lasy Państwowe).
MEPs are concerned about the condition of forests in the Carpathians, including the Przemyskie Foothills, where there are numerous reports of old trees being cut down. The main concern is to preserve the largest possible areas of old-growth forests and those places that may become protected and valuable natural areas in the future.
The Ministry of Environment stressed, among others, that - LP is a modern and efficient organization respecting tradition and achievements of previous generations - Established in 1924 - It has 430 forest districts, 26,373 employees, including 17,648 in the forest service, who manage 77% of forests in Poland (7.6 million hectares) - The forest cover is 29.6% of Poland's area - The State Forests plant 500 million trees every year - They supply 90% of wood used by the Polish industry.
Each year, the State Forests allocate large funds for the implementation of tasks important to society and the state. To subsidize the construction, repair and modernization of local government public roads, the State Forests have provided more than PLN 211 million in 2016-2018. However, in 2019, PLN 73 million has been allocated for this purpose.
The most important challenges facing the State Forests include the protection of forests against the effects of climate change, i.e. fires, forest dieback, natural disasters, forest diseases, as well as the implementation of programs for the protection and restitution of protected, endangered animal species.