The celebration of the anniversary of the Smolensk catastrophe on April 10 was intertwined with the themes of war in Ukraine. It is hard to resist the impression that Putin, calculating and capable of the greatest atrocities to achieve his political goals, did not go as far as ordering the assassination in 2010.
President Lech Kaczyński consistently pursued a policy aimed at opposing Russian plans. Plans that he was able to decipher, describe and predict.
- This is not only about his speech in Tbilisi, or later his speech, which is also often recalled, at Westerplatte. It is about his consistent policy, about finding the key to integrating this part of Europe, the key to energy - Jarosław Kaczyński said in Krakowskie Przedmieście.
- What happened in Ukraine can happen in Paris, Berlin and Rome. Cowardice and stupidity always lose, and Moscow is able to take advantage of this," the Law and Justice president warned. - Therefore, from this place I call on all free Europe to a great mobilization in defense of Ukraine, freedom. Part of this defence is also the final explanation of this case, including personal responsibility, and bringing all perpetrators to justice. This is our goal, which we must achieve," he noted.
The ceremonies were attended by Marek Kuchcinski, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee and former Speaker of the Sejm. He also stressed that President Lech Kaczynski showed great decisiveness in his policy towards Russia, which is continued by today's authorities. According to the chairman, it is necessary to push for strengthening sanctions and stopping Putin's military financing. He added that Ukraine should be supported militarily, but also show the foundations of civilization, the values from which we grew up - support for refugees, humanitarian care for all people who need it.