As chairman of our parliaments' foreign affairs committees, in response
on the continuing - unprovoked and unjust - aggression war waged against Ukraine by the Russian Federation:
we return note that Russia's aggression war against sovereign Ukraine, is a flagrant violation of international law, including the UN Charter;
highlight, that since Russia's unprovoked military attack on Ukraine on the day of the
On February 24, 2022, twelve million Ukrainians were forced to leave their homes, and more than five million were forced to leave the country;
we refer to a series of reports by human rights organizations and international monitoring missions on atrocities committed by Russian military forces against Ukrainian civilians, including torture, rape, murder and mass detention of civilians in so-called "filtration centers," as well as mass deportations;
highlight the immoral and illegal nature of Russia's chosen tactics, the widespread use of extremely cruel, imprecise weapons that maim and cause particular suffering. Russia using this type of munitions violates international norms. Russian forces
in Ukraine are using internationally banned cluster munitions to sow fear and kill civilians en masse;
highlightthat the deployment of Russian military personnel and armaments in Zaporizhia - the largest nuclear power plant in Europe - is unacceptable and disregards the safety and security principles set forth in the seven pillars of nuclear safety;
we pay attention, that the presence of Russian armed forces in Zaporizhia prevents the operator and the Ukrainian authorities from fulfilling their nuclear security commitments
and radiological, resulting from international conventions,
call Russian Federation to immediately withdraw its armed forces
and any other unauthorized personnel from the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant,
its immediate surroundings and Ukraine as a whole;
we express again Our strongest condemnation of the ongoing, unprovoked
and unjustified aggression war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The Russian Federation must immediately withdraw its troops from Ukraine's internationally recognized borders and respect Ukraine's territory and sovereignty.
call The Euro-Atlantic community and its partners to urgently strengthen and implement comprehensive sanctions against the Russian Federation in order to deter the Russian army's ability to continue its military aggression in Ukraine, increase military, financial, humanitarian and diplomatic support for Ukraine, unanimously support initiatives condemning Russia's military actions in Ukraine and calling for the perpetrators to be brought to justice, isolate Russia from international and regional organizations, and adopt equivalent decisions and establish equivalent sanctions against Belarus as a supporter of Russian military aggression;
call European Union member states and other Western allies
To immediately suspend tourism and restrict the issuance of entry visas to citizens of the Russian Federation
we commemorate all victims of Russian aggression in Ukraine - thousands of civilians and defenders of Ukraine;
we express Solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.
in connection with its aggression against Ukraine