Grand coalition together for election

On October 5th a meeting of the grand coalition supporting Law and Justice was held in Stalowa Wola. The meeting was attended, among others, by Deputy Speaker of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński and leaders of coalition groups.

Grand coalition goes to the polls together

Solidarna Polska, Prawica Rzeczypospolitej and Polska Razem will support Law and Justice party in the upcoming local elections.

- We are especially glad that the information about the unification, cooperation of many patriotic circles is communicated here, in Stalowa Wola, in the city which was born from national harmony, from common responsibility for the matters of our small, local, but also big homeland- says Lucjusz Nadbereżny, a PiS candidate for the city's mayor.

During the meeting Deputy Speaker of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński emphasized that the authorities of the local government of Podkarpackie Voivodeship, which were changed over 1.5 years ago, carry out well the tasks entrusted to them. The support for Marshal Władysław Ortyl was also expressed by a representative of the coalition, Podkarpackie Voivodeship Board Member Bogdan Romaniuk and the leader of Polski Razem (Poland Together) Stanisław Kruczek and Solidarna Polska- Mieczysław Golba.

- We, as the youngest party on the political scene - Polska Razem - are going in this coalition to the local elections. The coalition talks were difficult, of course, because the coalition and the partner are large and demanding, but we believe that we will win the local elections and, of course, we ask for your votes- says Stanisław Kruczek, the leader of Polska Razem (Poland Together) structures in Podkarpacie.

- The united right - this has already become a fact. Today we only have a common list and I think that victory is within our grasp. We have strong lists in each district and therefore the Podkarpackie Voivodeship will surely develop thanks to a good coalition, thanks to good, proven local government officials who have been working, working and devoting their family and private time, not only 8 hours, in the Podkarpackie region for many years. We have known these people for many years- says Mieczysław Golba, the leader of Solidarna Polska.

During the conference, Podkarpackie Voivodeship Board Member Bogdan Romaniuk emphasized that the contract for our voivodeship and the Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020 is being agreed.

- These are huge funds which will flow to local governments, to entrepreneurs. I think that they will be constructed in such a way that the Podkarpackie voivodeship will gain in the years 2014-2020- convinces Bogdan Romaniuk.

PiS wants to support everyone equally

Vice-Marshall of the Sejm of the 6th and 7th term of office Marek Kuchciński emphasized that coalition members have ambitious plan. They want to take responsibility for the history and future of the province in the next 4 years. If they come to power, they will support everyone equally. Municipalities that need most help will be treated in a special way. The aim of PiS will be to eliminate differences in living standards and salaries of inhabitants of all regions of Podkarpacie.

- For us, the development of the voivodeship as a sustainable development means, among other things, that all the lands of the voivodeship should be equally cared for and supported- says Marek Kuchciński, Deputy Speaker of the 6th and 7th Sejm.

Lucjusz Nadbereżny is a candidate worth voting for

Marek Kuchciński emphasized that Lucjusz Nadbrzeżny, the coalition's presidential candidate, is the only serious candidate worth supporting.

- We encourage everyone who is fed up with the rule of the present authorities in Stalowa Wola to support the candidates from our list. We would like to address to everyone, also to those who are not interested in politics every day, those who are disappointed with state and public authorities and central state. Go to the election and vote for Lucjusz Nadbereżny and for common candidates of this great right-wing coalition, which has a great plan in Podkarpacie - to modernize our province, to rebuild trust, also to Stalowa Wola and Stalowa Wola lands.- says Marek Kuchciński, Deputy Speaker of the 6th and 7th Sejm.

Lucjusz Nadbereżny thanked the Deputy Speaker of the Sejm for his presence and support. He stressed that the presence of coalition partners is a sign of good cooperation.

- Stalowa Wola, as one of the most important economic objects of this region, needs many changes, support, also from the state budget, for example in the matter of the ring road, as well as many other important issues, so that our arms industry, everything that stood in Stalowa Wola to its foundations, to its beginning, this beautiful idea of Central Industrial District, could be rebuilt together. I am convinced that our victory in local government is the beginning of great changes in Poland- says Lucjusz Nadbereżny, candidate for the President of Stalowa Wola.

Lucjusz Nadbereżny expressed hope that next year the authorities will change and thanks to that the cooperation on Stalowa Wola - Podkarpacie - Warsaw line will be very good.

Many candidates of the party participated in the press conference held at the Local Government Center of Law and Justice. Among them were persons with extensive political and local government experience, such as Senator Janina Sagatowska, MP Antoni Błądek, councilor of Podkarpackie Province Lidia Błądek, county and city councilors: Janusz Zarzeczny, Jan Sibiga, Wiesław Siembida, Zbigniew Paszkiewicz, Grażyna Janik. There were also new, less known candidates.




Parliamentary committees

Law and Justice



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