"The Kingdom of the Victorious Eagle" - promotion of the third volume of Prof. Andrzej Nowak's book

In the Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy in Cracow Łagiewniki a promotion of the book by Prof. Andrzej Nowak took place

The third volume of "Polish History" entitled "The Kingdom of the Victorious Eagle" covers the period of Polish history from 1340 to 1468. "Kingdom of the victorious eagle" covers the period of Polish history from 1340 to 1468. - the times from Casimir the Great to Casimir the Jagiellonian. It shows our country as a great power, which grew in strength not thanks to conquests or riches, but mainly thanks to work and "spiritual upsurge".

Apart from the author of "History" the Marshal of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński, the Head of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland Prof. Krzysztof Szczerski, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Krakow Marek Jędraszewski, historian of the Jagiellonian University Prof. Krzysztof Ożóg presented their view on the history of that period.

- This year we could celebrate the 650th anniversary of the economic reorganization of the state, the thing that allows us to plan everything else. Casimir the Great stopped thievery in the mines, which was our main wealth," said Professor Nowak. - If Poland lived only in matter, it would eventually become a prey to political communities that are stronger than Poland. Nations live by a spiritual ideal... those that have set their ideal low live shorter lives," Nowak argued.

The Speaker of the Sejm said that Professor Nowak is faithful to the rule that each generation rereads its own past, and history read in such a way is a source of inspiration and the foundation of social consciousness. - As Speaker of the Sejm, I am particularly grateful for the reminder that between 1340 and 1468 the Polish model of parliamentarism began to take shape in its mature form. Professor Warmus's emphasis on the fact that the first General Sejm met in 1468, and not nearly 30 years later as has been thought so far, will allow us to celebrate the 550th anniversary of the Polish Sejm next year. - Marek Kuchciński said.

Minister Krzysztof Szczerski emphasized the mission undertaken by the President, among others: - We have not been taught to be proud of our heritage until now, only now is respect and dignity being restored to all Poles in Poland, regardless of where they live. Everyone has the right to grow, to enjoy our great heritage to the fullest - he argued.

Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski spoke about the great role of the Church in the creation of European culture in the early Middle Ages. - Together with the Benedictine monasteries, a school, a library, a scriptorium were created. This is how the world of culture was created, more and more profound and wonderful, connected also with the fact that man discovered his place and his vocation as one who seeks God. This is his task - to seek God in this world through the signs he left us - recalled the Metropolitan. He also spoke of the fact that with the Baptism of Poland in 966 we found ourselves in the world of great religion and great culture, as a partner in the great political reality of Europe at that time.  Speech by Speaker of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński during promotion of the book History of Poland

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