The second edition of the Wacław Felczak Summer University of the Institute for Polish-Hungarian Cooperation is being held at Krasiczyn Castle from 26 August to 30 August 2019. Marek Kuchciński, Member of the Polish Parliament, together with Ryszard Terlecki, Deputy Speaker of the Sejm, and Dr. Janos Latorcai, Vice-President of the National Assembly, participated in a discussion on the topic: "What is Poland for me, what is Hungary for me?"
Marek Kuchciński mentioned the symbolism of the choice of the place - Krasiczyn, as a village located near Przemyśl, which is a special place from the perspective of Central Europe and Polish-Hungarian relations. He emphasized the significance of the Felczak Institute Initiative, which aims not only at the present day cooperation but also at the future of Europe in the spirit of tolerance and Christian culture.
Marshal Terlecki spoke about the difficulties in saving European culture and history, pointing to Poland and Hungary as the countries that are the hope of these efforts and on which rests the greatest responsibility. Dr. Janos Latorcaim emphasized the role of youth in planning the future of Europe, which must take up the challenge of preserving the Polish or Hungarian identity. He appealed directly to the participants of the University to engage in mutual cooperation in order to preserve Christian European values.
Piotr Babinetz, member of the Polish Parliament and Prof. István Kovács also participated in the panels.