A better connected Poland is one of the priorities of the Law and Justice government. Road infrastructure is crucial for the sustainable development of the region, which is why so much money is allocated for the construction and reconstruction of roads, bridges and sidewalks. In 2022, the Podkarpacie region will receive over PLN 200 million from the Local Roads Fund for this purpose - PLN 93.15 million for county tasks (108 tasks) and PLN 108.27 million for commune tasks (75 tasks).
Bieszczady District
Reconstruction of the district road No. 2273R Bóbrka - Łobozew km 1+713 - 4+867 in the town of Łobozew Dolny
County of Lancut
Extension of the district road No. 1547R Albigowa - Handzlówka consisting in construction of a sidewalk in the municipality of Łańcut in the place of Albigowa and Handzlówka together with construction and reconstruction of technical infrastructure in the design and build system
County of Yaroslavl
Reconstruction of district road No. 1778R Pruchnik - Kramarzówka - Helusz, km 0+000 - 8+365
County of Yaroslavl
Reconstruction of district road No. 1770R Kidałowice - Rokietnica at km 2+522 - 4+931 and 5+656 - 11+185
Brzozowski District
Reconstruction of the district road 2006R Haczów - Besko km 0+843 - 2+043 in Haczów
Bieszczady District
Reconstruction of the county road No. 2224R Rozpucie-Ropienka from km 4+600 to 11+105 in the towns of Ropienka and Zawadka
Rzeszów Poviat
Construction and development of district roads connecting the municipality of Boguchwała and the municipality of Lubenia with the city of Rzeszów
City of Przemysl
Extension of the district road No. 2103R, class "Z" - collector, Józef Wysocki Street in Przemyśl, km 2+164,40 - 4+559,69, together with drainage, lighting and the reconstruction and protection of the remaining technical infrastructure - STAGE III from km 2+164,00 to km 2+700,00
Kolbuszowa Poviat
Reconstruction of County Road No. 1162R Mielec - Rzochów - Przyłęk - Ostrowy Tuszowskie - Podtrąba from km 21+085 to 21+785 and extension of County Road No. 1162R Mielec - Rzochów - Przyłęk - Ostrowy Tuszowskie - Podtrąba from km 21+785 to 23+638 in Komorów
Lubaczow Poviat
Reconstruction of county road No. 1657R Cieszanów - Nowe Brusno km 0+000 - 1+800 together with technical infrastructure
Ropczycko-Sędziszowski District
Reconstruction of the district road No. 1360R Ropczyce - Gnojnica together with Ogrodnicza and Leśna Streets lying in its course
Sanocki County
Reconstruction of the district road No. 2257R Tarnawa - Kalnica, km 2+761,40 - 7+100,00, along with a bridge over the Kalniczka river at km 3+700,65
County of Lancut
Extension of the district road No. 1369R in the Rakszawa Municipality in the design and build system
Niżański County
Reconstruction of the district road No. 1069R from road 858 - Krzeszów
Krosno County
Reconstruction of district road nr 2116R Jaśliska - Czeremcha (State border) km 0+006,80 - 0+781; 0+900 - 1+100; 3+510 - 5+100
Lesko County
Reconstruction of the district road No. 2293R Olszanica - Ropienka - Wojtkówka in the municipality Olszanica
Przeworski Poviat
Reconstruction of the district road no 1252R Cieplice Górne - Cieplice Dolne km 0+000 - 7+020 together with the necessary technical infrastructure.
County of Lezajsk
Reconstruction of a section of county road 1259R Gniewczyna (district border) Grodzisko-Giedlarowa km 6+660 - 10+450
Lubaczow Poviat
Reconstruction of district road No. 1642R Dębiny - Łukawica km 0+622 to 3+800
Sanocki County
Reconstruction of district road 2227R Załuż - Lesko in km from 0+015 to 0+087 and from 0+090 to 2+654 in the town of Załuż with the construction of the bank band
Rzeszów Poviat
Rebuilding of a bridge over the Piątkówka stream in the village of Piątkowa within the county road No. 1427R Piątkowa - Futoma - Ulanica - Dynów km 0+150 (stream km 2+900) and reconstruction of a destroyed bridge over the Futomka stream in the village of Futoma within the county road No. 1427R Piątkowa - Futoma - Ulanica - Dynów km 3+000,00 (stream km 3+230)
District of Stalowa Wola
Reconstruction of county road no 1006R Radomyśl - Skowierzyn in the town of Radomyśl n/Sanem from km 0+000 to km 1+646,32
Debica County
Reconstruction of district road 1180R Debica - district border Zdziarzec, km 7+747 - 10+342 in Wiewiórka and Róża
County of Yaroslavl
Reconstruction of county road Nr. 1704R Wiązownica - Radawa - Wola Molodycka km 0+007 - 0+834,78, 0+983,1 - 8+487, 8+535 - 11+080 and road Nr. 1707 Wiązownica - Piwoda - Olchowa km 1+068 - 2+248
Bieszczady District
Reconstruction of the district road No. 2304R Polana - Lutowiska km 2+447 - 7+562 m. Skorodne
Kolbuszowa Poviat
Reconstruction of county roads within the Dzikowiec municipality: Reconstruction of county road No. 1218R Kolbuszowa Dolna - Kopcie at km 10+500 - 11+385, reconstruction of county road No. 1212R Lipnica - Dzikowiec - Widełka, involving construction of a pedestrian sidewalk at km 2+180 to km 2+410, and reconstruction of county road No. 1205R Wilcza Wola - Wola Raniżowska at km 3+149 - 3+408, involving construction of a sidewalk in Wilcza Wola
Jasielsk County
Reconstruction of the county roads No. 1878R Dobrynia - Zawadka Osiecka - Załęże and No. 1881R Dębowiec - Załęże - Osiek Jasielski in the towns of Zawadka Osiecka and Osiek Jasielski
Kolbuszowa Poviat
Extension of the district road No. 1176R Tuszyma - Niwiska - Kolbuszowa from km 8+400 to km 9+528 in Niwiska
Lubaczow Poviat
Reconstruction of district road No. 1688R Lubaczów - Basznia - I stage section from km 0+005,5 to 0+739,4
Tarnobrzeg Poviat
Reconstruction and extension of district road No. 1094R from Furmany to Żupawa to Stale in Żupawa (stage II) km 2+005 - 2+639,7
Ropczycko-Sędziszowski District
Reconstruction of district road No. 1360R Ropczyce-Gnojnica together with Ogrodnicza and Leśna streets lying in its course
Brzozowski District
Reconstruction of the district road No. 2024R Domaradz - Przysietnica in Domaradz and Golcowa
Mielec County
Construction of a new section of the county road No. 1172R Rzemień - Dobrynin, class L, of length. 855 m along with construction of a new crossing with provincial road no 985 in Rzemień