Hello school!
Teachers, Students, I wish that learning gives you joy and satisfaction, that it is not a sad duty, but full of positive impressions and useful knowledge journey in a good
Teachers, Students, I wish that learning gives you joy and satisfaction, that it is not a sad duty, but full of positive impressions and useful knowledge journey in a good
On the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Independent Self-Governing Trade Union "Solidarity" Marek Kuchciński commemorated this anniversary during ceremonies organized by the Solidarity in Przemyśl. They also commemorated the Blessed Fr.
- During the Caritas campaign "A schoolbag full of smiles" we help children from needy families; we invest in their education, development and future. I encourage everyone who can support the poorest
- Without these brave people, our beautiful mountains would not be so welcoming. They are the guides and mountain rescuers who, by risking their lives, make us safer. What
Podkarpackie has two particularly beautiful national parks: Magurski and Bieszczadzki. Apart from priceless nature, the region attracts with magical legends and outstanding architecture. You can go for example to
As part of the #Duda2020 election campaign, Marshall Marek Kuchciński visited Przemyśl, Krasiczyn, Rzeszów, Reczpol, Tyrawa Wołoska, Olszany, Grochowce, Huta Brzuska, Hadle Szklarskie, Stubno, Krosno, Bielsko-Biała, Ustrzyki
The Speaker of the Sejm of the 8th term Marek Kuchciński, the Deputy Speaker of the Sejm Ryszard Terlecki and the Deputy Sports Minister Jacek Osuch talked today in Przemyśl about the sports development of Podkarpacie. Marek Kuchciński
Almost PLN 9 million will go to the victims of the storms in Podkarpackie voivodeship. The allowance of up to PLN 6 thousand per family will be allocated to the most urgent needs.
Andrzej Duda won the first round of the presidential election with 43.5% of the vote. The next result - 30,46 belongs to Rafał Trzaskowski. If the election was held only on
Thanks to the efforts of Minister of Culture Piotr Gliński and Speaker of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński, two years ago the Council for Monument Protection passed a resolution in which the Przemyśl Fortress and the Old Town
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