This year the Przemyśl Cultural Society, reactivated after a 25-year hiatus, is organizing a series of meetings on the cultural and natural heritage of the Carpathian Europe. Behind us is a conference in Cisowa dedicated to outstanding people who created images of the Carpathians with their works and lives. The next, at Kalwaria Paclawska, will be dedicated to outstanding people of the Church - saints or on the road to sainthood: Bishop Jozef Pelczar, martyrs Janos Esterhazy and Josaphat Kocylovsky, Archbishop Ignatius Tokarczuk, Venant Catherine....
On Saturday, near Polanczyk (Myczkowce 72), lectures will be devoted to the natural resources of the Carpathians and how people use them, what the Carpathians hide underground. We will talk about natural medicine and spas, and the biodiversity of the region.
Isn't this how concern for the environment is expressed? For beauty and salvation? And for a reminder that outstanding people lived in this environment, because although not concerned with nature, they strived for perfection?
Beauty can be comforting, disturbing, sacred, secular; it can be joyful, appealing, inspiring, chilling. It can affect us in an unlimited variety of ways. However, it is never looked at indifferently.
Roger Scruton explores the concept of beauty, asking what makes an object - whether in art, nature or the human form - beautiful, and examining how we can compare different judgments of beauty when all around us it is obvious that our tastes differ so widely.
Is there a right judgment about beauty? Is it correct to say that there is more beauty in a classical temple than in an office building, more in a Rembrandt than in Andy Warhol Campbell's soup cans?
Honest and thought-provoking, and as accessible as it is intellectually rigorous, this introduction to the philosophy of beauty draws conclusions that some may find controversial, but, as Scruton shows, help us find a greater sense of meaning in the beautiful objects that fill our lives.
The speakers will be experienced experts on the above subject: Prof. Mariusz-Orion Jędrysek, PhD, Leszek Jankowski, PhD, Dariusz Dyląg, PhD, Bernadetta Bienia, PhD, and Natalia Tarkowska, MA.