During the National Assembly in the Polish Parliament, Andrzej Duda was sworn in for a second term. According to the Constitution, the President of the Republic of Poland takes office after taking the following oath before the ZN: "By assuming the office of President of the Republic of Poland by the will of the Nation, I solemnly swear that I will faithfully preserve the Constitution, steadfastly protect the dignity of the Nation, the independence and security of the State, and that the welfare of the Fatherland and the well-being of its citizens will always be my highest duty". The oath may be concluded with the words: "So help me God".
W exposé The President emphasized that today democracy in Poland is stronger than ever. Citizens know that the most important matters of the country depend on their votes. The future of Poland. Millions of Poles who didn't believe it before - and didn't vote - have now voted. All over the country. In big, medium and small cities, as well as in the countryside. And this is a great thing! This is a huge success for all of us.
In the policy led by Andrzej Duda, the key issues are family, security, work, investment and dignity. - These five Polish issues symbolize Poland, which is able to combine tradition with modernity! Because these two values are not mutually exclusive, but complementary. This is the Poland of my dreams - ambitious, developing at a fast pace, innovative, but remembering its roots, history, identity and tradition - said the President.