More than 800 million PLN is waiting in 2019 for micro-, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs who want to invest in Eastern Poland. These funds are intended both for companies which would like to expand their activities and for start-ups. We already know the next year's schedule of competitions in the Eastern Poland Programme.
"Above all, we want to support the creation of innovations - they increase the competitiveness of enterprises, provide new jobs for specialists, and, consequently, further sustainable development of the macroregion's economy. Our experience so far shows that companies from Eastern Poland are not afraid to reach for innovations. In 2019 we will encourage them to do it even more". - says Adam Hamryszczak, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Investment and Development.
What's New?
In 2019, entrepreneurs will be able to apply for grants in competitions in all activities addressed to companies in the Programme. However, new and more favourable criteria and conditions of awarding grants are waiting for them. Among other things, the scope of support for companies wishing to develop their operations on foreign markets will increase (Measure 1.2 Internationalisation of SMEs). With the funds obtained, companies will now also be able to purchase small fixed assets, e.g. computers and intangible assets necessary to prepare the company to enter new international markets. So far it was not possible. The call for applications will start in February. A total of 50 million PLN awaits the companies.
Changes also await consortia of SMEs willing to invest in the creation of an innovative network product, i.e. an offer of several companies combined under one brand (sub-measure 1.3.2 Creation of network products by SMEs). Beneficiaries will be entrepreneurs who want to invest in sports and recreation infrastructure. It will be possible to obtain a higher percentage of funding for this type of investment than before. In total, 150 million PLN will be available in the competition.
"We believe this will provide an additional impetus for businesses to invest in the area as well. It is also an opportunity for the macro-region for new tourist investments" - adds the deputy minister.
Time for design and product innovation
2019 is another call for grants for companies looking to innovate using design. Both for those who will benefit for the first time from the subsidy for design innovation, as well as for those who will continue the support, after the successful completion of the first stage of the measure. Design for competition (Measure 1.4) is one of the most popular activities addressed to the companies under the Programme. This year the enterprises will be able to apply for the total of 205 million zlotys. The subsidy obtained in the first stage (up to 100 thousand zlotys) will be spent on conducting a design audit that will end with developing a design strategy. The funds obtained in stage II (up to PLN 3 million) the company can spend on implementing the recommendations. Recruitment of applications will start in May for stage II and in June for stage I.
On the other hand, in April the call for proposals will begin for investments connected with the introduction of product innovations (Measure 1.3.1 Implementation of innovations by SME). This is the measure in which entrepreneurs have so far signed contracts for co-financing of the highest total value - 400 million PLN. Therefore, the allocation of the measure has been increased and in the competition in 2019 there is another 120 million PLN waiting for them.
More opportunities for start-ups
2019 will also bring new opportunities for start-ups. In Measure 1.1.1 Start-up platforms for new ideas, the call for innovative ideas will start in early January. Applications will be submitted via On the website, in addition to a description of the rules and news, there are already available business cards of 6 platforms and their industry specializations. This will help to submit an application to the most appropriate one. Authors of the most interesting and promising ideas will set up a start-up and undergo "incubation". The purpose of the incubation is to develop the idea and to work out a business model, with the support of an experienced incubation manager and a wide package of services strictly adjusted to the needs of a given entrepreneur. The best start-ups, starting from July, can apply for a grant for further development of their activity - up to 800 thousand PLN per start-up (Measure 1.1.2. Development of start-ups in Eastern Poland).
So far 694 companies have benefited from the Programme support. In the area of entrepreneurship development in Eastern Poland so far 1 billion PLN funding agreements have been signed from the European Regional Development Fund.
Competitions for funding from the Eastern Poland Programme will be conducted by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development.
Below is the schedule of competitions:
Source: MIAR