In our Polish history we do not only commemorate anniversaries of our military victories; we also remember anniversaries of military defeats, which, however, were moral victories that allowed Poles to endure and harden their national character.
Westerplatte is the symbol of the best qualities of our national character. It is not only a synonym of heroism and sacrifice for the Homeland. It is a great sign of the mighty will of the Poles; the will to live in a sovereign Poland that never yields before a foreign power.
St. John Paul II drew attention to this collective, but also individual dimension of Westerplatte, reminding us that "Everyone has their Westerplatte".. It is true. Each of us should accept with dignity the challenges posed by life. As far as our community is concerned, such a challenge is to build Poland according to its great history. Poland that is united, just, modern and strong, also through the military strength of its army.
Westerplatte is finally the honor of the Polish Army - but also our pride in the Polish soldier. Standing at Westerplatte we look back: we see and remember the years of his heroic war struggles. Standing at Westerplatte, we look to the future - boldly, with our heads held high. Soldiers from Westerplatte have taught us that we can endure even the greatest adversity and that the destiny of free people is victory!