The Speaker of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński took part in the international conference dedicated to the construction of the Via Carpatia route, where representatives of Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey and Ukraine signed a declaration on the construction of this road. The project is an important axis of transport development, but also cooperation at the level of science, business, agriculture and tourism development. Moreover, it has a chance to raise the standard of living in the poorest regions of Poland, especially revitalise its eastern voivodships and even out the differences between the old and the new Union.
Ten years ago in Lancut, on the initiative of President Lech Kaczynski, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary signed an agreement to build Via Carpatia. However, work on the construction of this route was blocked by the previous government.
- We are taking part in an unusual event, one could say generational and epoch-making. We are taking part in summing up the conference and signing a declaration of cooperation of 9 countries which undertake to build a great trans-European communication route Via Carpatia. Dreams are changing into actions - said the Speaker of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński. - Let's implement Via Carpatia with its branches, so that the whole Europe along the Schengen borders would be enclosed by this great communication route. - he added.
text/ photo M. Olejnik