On the eve of the 30th anniversary of the free elections to the Senate in the capital's Kamienica Theater, President of the Institute of National Remembrance Jarosław Szarek awarded the Cross of Freedom and Solidarity to 27 former anti-communist opposition activists from the years 1956-1989. Marek Kuchciński, Speaker of the Sejm, who was present at the ceremony, emphasized that the elections three decades ago were not only a return to parliamentary tradition but also an important next stage in the process of the collapse of communism. - Without you, honoured with the Cross of Freedom and Solidarity, there would not have been this great victory, there would not be a democratic Poland today - said Marek Kuchciński.
The Cross of Freedom and Solidarity was awarded to people of outstanding merit in the fight against the communist system. They were awarded posthumously to Prime Minister Jan Olszewski and Stanisław Pyjas, who was murdered by the communist services; Stanisław Małkowski, a democratic opposition activist in the People's Republic of Poland and a Solidarity chaplain; Marek Balicki, the former Minister of Health and a Solidarity activist; Ryszard Terlecki, Deputy Speaker of the Sejm.
Marshal Kuchciński thanked the decorated for their struggle against communism. - You have proved that a repressive system is not able to suppress the desire for freedom and that it was worth undertaking the fight. We fought not only for ourselves, but also for future generations. Together we have made a great turn in the history of the 20th century, we have won," said the Speaker of the Sejm.
Photo by M. Olejnik