Meeting of the Deputy Speaker with the residents of Opole

The meeting was held on November 16. Topic: " History and place of PiS on the national political scene". Organizers: "Gazeta Polska" Club and "Solidarity" union at Opole University.

At the beginning, the Deputy Speaker recalled the path of Lech and Jaroslaw Kaczynski from the creation of "Solidarity" to "Law and Justice". Lech Kaczyński was Lech Walesa's deputy in the 1980s, then president of the Supreme Chamber of Control (NIK), then justice minister in Jerzy Buzek's government. He was not a member of any political party. In 1995 he ran for President of Poland, but withdrew from the election because he considered that his popularity with the public was still low. In his electoral program the most important slogan and postulate was: safe Poland. This referred to all activities of the state. He understood Europe as a union of independent, national states - homelands, working together. Weaker states had the right to expect support from stronger ones. Poland had the right to expect help from the countries that had failed us after World War II and had left us at the mercy of communism.

"Solidarity - according to Lech Kaczyński - was a great national liberation movement, not just an ordinary trade union. He saw the understanding of the state, the nation and politics at the local level through the lens of Solidarity. It is very important to develop the country in a balanced way, to even out the disproportions between the poor provinces and the well-developed ones.

The Kaczynski brothers were men of action and complemented each other perfectly.

Jaroslaw was active in the "Porozumienie Centrum". In his politics the most important thing was the state, proper conduct of historical policy, conducting strategies of economic development of the country and foreign policy, education and health. The state should stand guard over its citizens. Without a strong state none of the reforms can succeed, and the position in the EU will also be weak. There should be a great policy, an ambitious historical policy. The state is a value that should be fought for. The basis of our actions are four key words: nation, homeland, citizen, state.

The repair of the state was to take place in the Fourth Republic. Unfortunately, decommunization and vetting were only partially carried out. According to PiS, this must be done quickly, by our own means, without revolution. If we do not carry out a proper vetting, if we do not cut off the last anchors of the People's Republic of Poland, special services, WSI - the present state will last long.

Another important task is the reform of the state administration, starting with the civil administration. Otherwise, the smooth operation of the state will not be ensured; the issue of competitions for positions should also be resolved.

In the Law and Justice party's program, an important place is given to cleaning up economic affairsThe main issues of privatization are: poor functioning of privatization, sale of national assets for nothing, ownership issues, insurance, pension funds. Strategic industries should not be subject to privatization, especially those that ensure energy security and national security.

On health - PiS believes that direct health care should not be privatized, State control over health care should be strengthened. There should be a return to budgetary funding from the provinces, which are to be responsible for the distribution of resources. Every citizen should have access to health care.

When it comes to education - middle schools have failed. We need to return to the 8+4 division of education, with strong support for vocational education. The issue of school textbooks needs to be sorted out. Patriotic education should not be treated marginally.

In the field of investment - the state should coordinate this policy, exercise an initiative function.

Phe program, the plan for implementation, for spending EU money was developed in the government of Jaroslaw Kaczynski (Grażyna Gęsicka). Now the propaganda of success is being publicized by covering up the achievements of PiS and giving credit to the current government.

Strong Poland in Europe - this slogan was based on two foundations:

- nation - a community of citizens, concern for the common good (now there is extreme liberalism, who is stronger the better), internal integration, strengthening the awareness that it is worth to be a Pole;

- individual - citizen, concern for the human being.

Law and Justice's policy statement - pillars:

  1. Independence thought - reference to Piłsudski and Dmowski, national uprisings, Four-Year Sejm.
  2. National thought - concepts of Piłsudski and Dmowski and Korfanty.
  3. Solidarity activists - the foundation.
  4. The social teaching of the Church, the Christian shape of man, the roots of Europe.

There were three major watershed events in the history of Poland:

  1. The baptism of Mieszko I - we chose the direction of Latin Europe, not Eastern Europe.
  2. Political union with Lithuania - made the Commonwealth a great country.
  3. Entering European structures - joining NATO, EU, Schengen zone.

Any EU directive that is inconsistent with our constitution should not be adopted.

During the discussion, the participants made some comments of their own and asked questions. One of the important ones, which later resonated in the local press, was the question about the weak reaction of the state authorities and the Parliament to the actions of "Ruch Autonomii Śląska" in Silesia and its increasingly bold anti-Polish activities.




Parliamentary committees

Law and Justice



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