In Myczkowce and Ustrzyki Dolne, Marek Kuchciński talked about the future of the Bieszczady Mountains. During the meeting with local government officials and residents, the head of the Prime Minister's Office emphasized that very good support from the government can be seen here. “The most important thing is still accessibility, i.e. communication. The development of tourism, agritourism, agriculture, sports centers, good roads, car parks, railways, hotels, new border crossings, as in Wołosate, deserve the Bieszczady - said Marek Kuchciński. All this, however, while preserving wild areas, caring for the natural environment and water purity.
The Marshal also drew attention to the very good cooperation and mutual support of local authorities, communes, poviats with voivodship authorities and the government.
The most important government programs implemented in the Solina commune include:
Strategic Investments Program (PLN 24,895,897),
Government Local Investment Fund (PLN 10,365,000),
Government Road Development Fund (PLN 2,068,361)
Government Program "Family 500+" (PLN 24,105,971).
Other programs implemented in the commune are: Modernization of the Police, Border Guard, PSP, SOP; Open Activity Zones; Explore Poland; "Good start"; Supplementing the general subsidy for local government units. However, their implementation is much smaller amounts.
The total value of co-financing of government programs in the Solina commune is 63 874 223 PLN.
The largest investments are related to the protection of the waters of Lake Solina/Myczkowce and the improvement of water quality and purity. For this purpose, projects such as: construction of a sewage system in Matiaszowa Wola, construction of water and sewage infrastructure in the municipality of Solina, reconstruction and expansion of the sewage treatment plant in Wołkowyja are being implemented.
Other large investments are related to road infrastructure. A program to improve the condition of the road infrastructure in the health resort of Polańczyk is being implemented in the commune. Projects concerning the reconstruction or expansion of public commune roads concern the following towns: Solina, Terka, Berezka, Myczkowce, Polańczyk.
Other larger projects include the reconstruction of the stadium in Polańczyk and the modernization of the police facility in Polańczyk.
In addition, a huge investment was carried out in the commune - the construction of a gondola lift over the dam in Solina. The investment worth PLN 110 million was carried out by Polskie Koleje Linowe - a company controlled by a fund owned by the state treasury, which was re-Polonized by our government. This is a significant impulse for even more intensive development of tourism in the commune, the attraction is very popular.
The Solina commune is part of the Lesko poviat. The total value of co-financing of government programs in the poviat is: 296 363 512 PLN.
The most important investments implemented in the Lesko poviat include: construction of a new seat of the Poviat Police Headquarters in Lesko, reconstruction of the Poviat Hospital in Lesko, construction of the "Bieszczad-ski" Center for Active Tourism and Sport, construction of a bridge over the river in Wetlina.
The remaining numerous projects mainly concern the construction/expansion/improvement of road, sanitary and sewage, tourist, sports, recreational and cultural infrastructure.
Completed programs on the example of the Bieszczady District and selected initiatives
in the Bieszczady communes:
- Strategic Investment Program - Polish Deal – the government, with the help of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, is helping to rebuild the economy after the pandemic. The Polish Order has a long-term perspective
and long term. The implementation of planned strategic investments raises the level of productivity of the entire Polish economy. The objectives of the Strategic Investments Program are: to stimulate the investment activity of local government units, to develop local entrepreneurship, to improve the living conditions of citizens, to create new jobs,
support for sustainable development and effective involvement of the financial sector.
Bieszczady District - PLN 17,922,000, including:
- construction of tourist and cultural infrastructure in the revitalized urban area
in Ustrzyki Dolne as support for the economic development of the Bieszczady Mountains (co-financing value – PLN 4,950,000.00); - reconstruction of the road infrastructure in the Bieszczady poviat (value of co-financing -
PLN 9,975,000.00); - reconstruction and modernization of the road infrastructure of the Bieszczady District on the site of the former Smolnik state farm – (value of co-financing – PLN 2,997,000.00);
Czarna Commune – PLN 41,343,680including, among others:
- comprehensive construction of a municipal nursery in Czarna – (co-financing value - 6 982 500,00 zloty)
- thermal modernization and reconstruction of the building of the Primary School in Czarna Górna
intended for a School Youth Hostel - (co-financing value - PLN 4,930,000.00);
Lutowiska Commune – PLN 6,589,500, including, among others:
- construction of an alternative source of zero-emission heat for the administrative building of the Commune Office in Lutowiska - (co-financing value - PLN 2,929,500.00)
- construction of a public car park with the infrastructure necessary to serve tourists
– (value of co-financing – PLN 2,475,000.00);
Ustrzyki Dolne Commune – PLN 5,150,000including, among others:
- construction and modernization of road infrastructure in the Commune of Ustrzyki Dolne - (co-financing value - PLN 4,750,000.00);
- Government Local Investment Fund – Government Local Investment Fund (RFIL)
is a program under which government funds went to communes, poviats and cities throughout Poland
for investments close to people. The support is non-returnable and comes from the COVID-19 Prevention Fund. The funds provided by the government were used by local governments for investments close to people, e.g. construction of nurseries, kindergartens or roads - as well as other locally necessary activities.
Bieszczady District - PLN 990,000, including:
- Bieszczady Heritage Center - (funding value - PLN 990,000);
Lutowiska Commune – PLN 1,089,203, including:
- modernization of the existing public parking and road infrastructure in the commune of Lutowiska - (co-financing value - PLN 589,203.00)
- thermal modernization and expansion of the administrative building of the Commune Office along with the removal of architectural barriers and the implementation of RES installations in Lutowiska - (co-financing value - PLN 500,000.00)
Ustrzyki Dolne commune – PLN 11,110,929, including:
- Bieszczady Health Center and restructuring and modernization of SP ZOZ in Ustrzyki Dolne - (co-financing value - PLN 6,110,929.00)
- creation of a tourist base supporting the development of tourist services in the Commune of Ustrzyki Dolne - (co-financing value - PLN 5,000,000.00)
- Road Development Fund (formerly Local Government Roads Fund) – The Government Road Development Fund (RFRD) is a comprehensive instrument to support the implementation of tasks on roads managed by local government units. Its purpose is to accelerate the creation of modern and safe road infrastructure at the local level, which is an important element of the proper functioning and development of the economy
and contributing to improving the standard of living of citizens.
Czarna Commune – PLN 4,964,140.00, including, among others:
- construction of a municipal road in msc. Medynia Głogowska and Pogwizdów - (value of co-financing
– PLN 268,076.00)
Ustrzyki Dolne Commune – PLN 11,068,768.00, including, among others:
- increasing the economic and investment attractiveness of the Ustrzyki Dolne commune through the reconstruction and construction of roads in the town of Ustjanowa Górna - (value of the co-financing
– PLN 1,464,968.00) - reconstruction of the poviat road in Równia - (co-financing value - PLN 1,466,529.00)
- Family 500 + in 2021:
Czarna Commune – PLN 2,200,186.00
Lutowiska Commune – PLN 1,668,741.00
Ustrzyki Dolne Commune – PLN 15,371,973.00
- benefit Good start in 2021 – PLN 300 of one-time support for all students starting the school year. Families will receive the benefit regardless of income. This is support for 4.4 million students.
Czarna Commune – PLN 87,000.00
Lutowiska Commune – PLN 54,600.00
Ustrzyki Dolne Commune – PLN 537,000.00
- Program for the development of childcare institutions for children up to 3 years old "Toddler+" – celem programu „Maluch+” jest zwiększenie dostępności terytorialnej i finansowej miejsc opieki w żłobkach, klubach dziecięcych i u dziennych opiekunów dla wszystkich dzieci, w tym dzieci
with disabilities and those requiring special care.
Ustrzyki Dolne Commune – co-financing the functioning of care places in the amount of
PLN 124,200;
- Payment of the 13th and 14th pension – is another example of the United Right's government's comprehensive policy of supporting seniors. In the current difficult geopolitical situation,
we have strengthened government support for pensioners. The benefit is dedicated to both
for persons receiving an old-age pension from ZUS, as well as a retirement benefit from KRUS.
In the Bieszczady poviat in 2022, the 13th pension was awarded to 5,005 people for the total amount of PLN 6,863,000. The 14th pension went to 4,792 people with a total value of PLN 6,044,000.
In total, under the thirteen and fourteen pensioners in 2022, they received a total of PLN 2,676.88 gross. This is a very important support that boosted the finances of seniors.
- Carbon allowance payment – the coal allowance in the amount of PLN 3,000 supplies the household budgets of households whose heating source is coal or carbon-derived fuels.
The allowance is granted to households for which the main source of heating is a solid fuel boiler, a fireplace, a stove, an air heater, a kitchen core, a kitchen stove,
a coal-fired kitchen or a tiled stove for solid fuel - powered by hard coal, briquettes
or pellets containing at least 85% of hard coal. In the proposed solution
there are no income criteria, and the allowance is also available to farms that have already purchased coal. The condition for receiving the supplement is the entry or notification of the heating source to the Central Register of Emissions of Buildings.
As of December 31, 2022, the following funds were paid to households from the Bieszczady poviat:
Czarna Commune – PLN 792,540.00
Lutowiska Commune – 569 160,00 zloty
Ustrzyki Dolne Commune – PLN 4,296,240.00
This means that in the Bieszczady poviat the coal allowance has been added to the budgets
1886 households.
- Bus service development fund – thanks to co-financing from the FRPA, we support local governments in the implementation of their own tasks related to ensuring the functioning of public collective transport in the field of public utility bus transport. Thanks to the fund, new communication lines are created, and residents, primarily from smaller towns, have the opportunity to reach work, schools, health facilities and cultural institutions by public transport. Increasing the network of bus connections also creates the opportunity to find work in towns where access was previously difficult or impossible.
Bieszczady Transport Union – co-financing value – PLN 4,020,801.74
The Bieszczady Transport Association brings together in its structures the following communes: Czarna, Lutowiska, Ustrzyki Dolne, Olszanica, Solina, Lesko, Baligród, Cisna, Komańcza, Zagórz and the districts of Lesko
and Bieszczady.
Bieszczady District – co-financing value – PLN 595,235.00
Ustrzyki Dolne – co-financing value – PLN 679,665.99
- Care 75+ program – a program addressed to communes: urban and rural,
urban-rural up to 60,000 residents who provide care services on their own
or through social cooperatives of legal persons founded by local government units. The main purpose of care services is to help meet everyday life needs, provide hygienic care or care recommended by a doctor
and ensuring - as far as possible the social welfare center - contacts with the environment.
Ustrzyki Dolne Commune – for 2022, the value of co-financing from the program amounted to PLN 14,389.03.
- Support for the statutory activities of KGW – associated rural housewives can allocate the received funds for social and educational as well as educational and cultural activities
and activities for the comprehensive development of rural areas. Co-financing can also be spent on the development of women's entrepreneurship and initiatives to improve their living and working conditions in the countryside, and be used for undertakings aimed at developing folk culture or disseminating cooperation and rational farming methods.
In the Bieszczady poviat, 22 KGW applied for help in 2022, which received support
through the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture in the amount of PLN 114,000.
- Fertilizer subsidies - last year, the Polish government launched a program with value
PLN 3.9 billion to support farmers who felt the effects of the increase in production costs resulting from Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the related sanctions. The remedy was available
for farmers operating in Poland who have been affected by the increase in fertilizer costs caused by the current geopolitical crisis and related sanctions.
The program co-financed the purchase of mineral fertilizers other than fertilizer lime
and fertilizer lime containing magnesium, which agricultural producers purchased in the period from September 1, 2021 to May 15, 2022.
In the Bieszczady poviat, 18 entities submitted an application for a fertilizer subsidy, which received aid from the state budget in the amount of PLN 46,563.26.