The exhibition "To Look People Straight in the Eyes... On the 90th Anniversary of Jan Olszewski's Birth" presents a scout of the Grey Regiments, a political activist in the People's Republic of Poland and a politician who headed the first Polish government appointed by the freely elected Sejm after World War II. Subsequent charts present the various stages of the hero's life: from his birth in a railroad family, associated for generations with the tradition of Independence, to the last words he uttered before his death: "I have no obligation to give up". The first fully free elections to the Sejm after World War II were held in the autumn of 1991. And already on December 6, 1991, the Sejm appointed Jan Olszewski as Prime Minister and on December 23 gave a vote of confidence to his cabinet.
The opening at the Sejm was opened by Marek Kuchciński, former Marshal, deputy chairman of the Law and Justice (PiS) Club and chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, who emphasized that Jan Olszewski was one of the most prominent representatives of the opposition and independence circles, along with Lech Kaczyński, Kornel Morawiecki and Anna Walentynowicz, and the goal of his government was to build a strong, independent Poland. Building a system of democratic power in Poland under the enormous burden of post-communism:
- stopping the enfranchisement of the nomenklatura on state property,
- decommunization,
- opposition to the transfer of land left over from Soviet military bases to Russian companies.
Jan Olszewski's government lasted only six months. When Jan Olszewski was leaving office he asked a dramatic question: Whose Poland is it?
And he answered that on one side stood the former Communist Party nomenklatura, and on the other the public.
A few years later, he modified this answer, saying that on one side stood the former communist nomenklatura, joined by representatives of the former UW, the nomenklatura group ZSL and people from the background of the then Polish president.
The other camp is the rest of society, it is Us. And today it is WE who are responsible for Poland. And although we have made many good changes, there are still many people who are under the spell of the distortion of reality by modern neo-Marxist propaganda.
Today, we can still see in many places a continuation of the negative phenomena described 30 years ago by Jan Olszewski. Where the continuators of the old nomenklatura, the former reds, enfranchised to a large extent on privatized state property, directing large private businesses, the media, political parties, dominate.
Antoni Macierewicz reminded that the government of Jan Olszewski was the first pro-independence government not only because of its programme, but also because it was the first government elected by the Sejm after free elections. - This government made it possible to implement a program for building an independent Poland. An important element of this program was to build an economy based on family ownership, to build security based on NATO, and to eliminate the agents that were shaping public life at that time. Jan Olszewski was aware of this and therefore considered vetting to be one of the main tasks that needed to be carried out," said the former head of the Interior Ministry in Jan Olszewski's government.
Photo: Marta Olejnik/ KS