Law and Justice party allocated twice as much money for health care as during the PO-PSL government

In 2018. The Sejm amended the law, increasing spending on health care to 6 percent of GDP by 2024. Today, the ruling party announces the FIVE FOR HEALTH, or priorities in investments to improve the health of Poles:

  1. TWICE AS MUCH FOR HEALTH AS DURING THE POST-PSL ERA. By 2024, it is expected to exceed 6% of GDP on health. This will be about 160 billion zlotys, more than twice as much as was spent on this purpose in 2014 (73 billion). Currently, PiS is spending 30 billion more on Poles' health than at the end of the PO-PSL government - this year about 103 billion zlotys.
  2. HOSPITAL MODERNIZATION FUND. PLN 2 billion a year for a fund that hospitals will be able to use, and the funds will be earmarked, among other things, for the renovation of wards, improvement of conditions for patients and staff, and purchase of the most modern medical equipment. Modernization will also include medical rescue services, investments or digitalization. No later than in 2021, e-prescriptions, e-referrals and e-referrals will be joined by the possibility to register with a doctor without standing in a queue - via Internet or telephone.
  3. A PACKAGE OF CHECK-UPS FOR EVERY POLISH CITIZEN. The new health check-up packages will be tailored to the individual needs of Poles - their gender, age, risk factors - in order to detect the most dangerous diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Everyone will receive a special voucher from their family doctor, which will allow them to undergo tests at the clinic of their choice.
  4. COORDINATED CARE FOR SENIORS AND DEPENDENTS IN EACH COUNTY. A special fund will be created to finance locally coordinated care for seniors and dependents. The fund will support the development of various forms of care, tailored to needs, e.g. day care homes, care and treatment facilities. On the one hand, this will guarantee that seniors are cared for at the right level, and on the other hand it will be a help for families watching over seniors and dependents.
  5. ONE BILLION ZLOTYS FOR THE MOST MODERN ONCOLOGY CENTER IN EUROPE. A national oncological network will be implemented throughout Poland, thanks to which every patient in Poland will be guaranteed the same standard of treatment regardless of their place of residence. Every Pole will be able to take advantage of periodic screening tests, including genetic ones, so as to detect diseases as early as possible.




Parliamentary committees

Law and Justice



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