On Saturday, the First Congress of Polish Education in Ukraine was held in Przemyśl. On the initiative of the Speaker of the Sejm Marek Kuchcinski, a center for supporting teachers' development will be established at the State College of Eastern Europe in Przemyśl. Marek Kuchcinski emphasized that for Polish minority the system of its own education and learning Polish language is a priority. Language is the most important attribute of a community. It allows shaping national identity. - I hope that today's debate will contribute to the development of solutions to support the teaching of Polish language, according to the needs of our compatriots living in Ukraine. I hope that we will manage to propose solutions that will be helpful and beneficial both to students and teachers who want and nurture the Polish language, history and culture," said the Speaker of the Sejm. He added that language and education are elements of culture. Marek Kuchciński compared Polish and Hungarian people in their efforts to preserve their culture and language. He recalled the 450th anniversary of the Union of Lublin, the establishment of the Republic of many nations, the greatest power not only in Central and Eastern Europe. He recalled that thanks to the Charter of the Pole passed in 2007, which took effect two years ago, it is possible to promote culture and language in the East. He noted that in Ukraine there is a growing number of people who want to learn the Polish language. MSMK also mentioned in its speech the figure of the 17th century playwright Adrzej Maksymilian Fredro, who was translated into all European languages. He stated that due to the fact that Przemyśl is located close to the border, the meetings concerning education in Ukraine should be held here.During the speeches concerning the condition of Polish education in Ukraine, Rafał Wolski, Consul General in Lvov, noted that there is an increasing interest in Polish culture. He acknowledged that teachers play a special role in promoting knowledge of the Polish language and the ongoing congress faces new challenges. Magdalena Turowska, a representative of the Ministry of National Education, stated that an important challenge is the mission to preserve Polishness, while the language gives access to cultural heritage. She assured that the Ministry of Education fully supports this mission. Piotr Pilch, Deputy Marshall of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, pointed out that dozens of methodological trainings for teachers are already organized in Przemyśl. Pilch emphasized that the creation of the coordinating support center for in-service teacher training in Przemyśl, with the support of the State Higher School in Przemyśl, will help to solve many educational issues of Polish language teaching in the East.Emilia Chmielowa, president of the Federation of Polish Organizations in Ukraine, said that thanks to Professor Lech Kaczyński and his influence on the Ukrainian authorities it was possible to structure Polish language teaching in this country in 2009.Larysa Kolisnyk, the president of the Polish Association stressed that it is important for Ukraine to establish relations in Europe, and this is possible thanks to teaching Polish. The head of the Department of Cooperation with Poles in Ukraine, Consul Rafal Kocot, expressed the hope that the congress would help to develop a structured support for Polish language education in Ukraine. He stated that teachers will be supported systematically.
text/ photo Marta Olejnik