Need for more support for national parks as the most valuable form of conservation.

At the meeting Committee on the Environment, Natural Resources and Forestry Considered the information of the Minister of Climate and Environment on national parks and nature reserves as the most valuable national forms of nature protection - on the example of Bieszczady National Park.

During the session, Marek Kuchciński expressed the need for greater support from the state budget for national parks, which are the most important form of nature conservation. He pointed out as necessary to increase the effectiveness of nature protection activities, which was expressed during the adoption of a long-term development strategy The European Green Deal - which enables a more efficient use of resources through the transition to a clean, closed-loop economy and to counteract biodiversity loss and reduce pollution levels.

Marek Kuchciński emphasized the important role of the Bieszczady National Park, which is the only one in Europe that is a Tripartite International Biosphere Reserve ( Eastern Carpathians ), and at the same time a way out towards international protection of biodiversity. Established in 1973, the park was created to protect the main forms of landscape characteristic for the Bieszczady Mountains - the characteristic floors of vegetation with typical ecosystems, the most important areas of occurrence of east Carpathian and high mountain elements of flora and fauna, and natural old forests with rich fauna of large mammals and birds.

National parks host more than 15 million visitors a year, which increases the impact of citizens on nature. Marek Kuchciński expressed a postulate to act in order to relieve national parks from tourists' interest by managing the areas around the parks. An example is the Stuposiany Forest Inspectorate in the Lutowiska commune (Subcarpathian voivodeship), where areas have been developed into bison enclosures, observation towers and cross-country skiing trails. As an important aspect, he pointed out increasing the share of the forest fund in repair and investment works, and the need to support local governments located in the vicinity of national parks and protected areas.

Marek Kuchciński emphasized the wage disparity between employees of the National Forests and employees of national parks, signaling the need to increase the salaries of park employees - or at least to equalize them.

photo: Chancellery of the Sejm/Alexander Zielinski.



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