On Sunday, January 15, the New Year's wafer meeting of Law and Justice took place at the National Museum of the Przemyśl Land. The event was organized by Marek Kuchciński, head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister and Piotr Pilch, PiS plenipotentiary in district no. 58.
– I wish you all the best wishes and thank you for your cooperation so far, which has brought very good results. The last time of crises beyond our control was a time of great bravery, showing us as a community of people proud to be Poles, said Marek Kuchciński. – We are characterized by credibility, mobilization and common sense, and the PiS government has proven that it is the best government in difficult times. We go for 70 percent, but we keep our promises in 85 percent! - added.
The head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister also emphasized the significant role of Przemyśl, a city that is a model of Christian values and solidarity, a city that after February 24, 2022 is on the lips of the whole world.
The meeting was also attended by parliamentarians: Bogdan Rzońca, Alicja Zając, Mieczysław Golba, Teresa Pamuła, Tadeusz Chrzan, Maria Kurowska, starosts, mayors, commune heads, councillors, representatives of associations, Solidarity, veterans, provincial and regional institutions, members and supporters of Law and Justice . Welcoming the independence activists, Marek Kuchciński pointed out that PiS's programs related to historical policy include restoring memory and supporting circles that contributed to the fight for independence.
The most anticipated and most important investments for the inhabitants of the district:
- Construction of the Malhowice-Niżankowice border crossing with accelerated implementation of this investment, renovation of railway lines 102 and 108, return of passenger trains to Ustrzyki Dolne and cargo transport, construction of a railway bridge over the San River in Przemyśl and ensuring access by the pendolino to the city.
- construction of a gondola lift over the dam in Solina for PLN 110 million by Polskie Koleje Linowe, a company repolonized by our government.
- Revitalization of the Przeworsk-Dynów narrow-gauge railway for over 50 million
- Very large funds from the Rural Development Program - over PLN 450 million (record funds obtained from the EU), in particular for water and sewage programs and land consolidation - leaders in the voivodeship: Jarosławski, Przeworski, Przemyśl poviats
- Gniewczyna Łańcucka - de-Polonization of the wagon factory and large investments in a new factory by PKP Cargo
- Road and bridge investments: extension of the national road No. 28 to 4 lanes on the Przemyśl-Medyka section, renovation of the Przemyśl-Malhowice voivodeship road (to the newly emerging border crossing), numerous investments in the Jarosław and Lubaczów poviats, e.g. construction of a new bridge over the San River in Jarosław, bypass of Oleszyce and Narola, numerous road investments in the Bieszczady Mountains, construction of a new bridge over the San River in the Orły-Stubno district of Przemyśl
- Establishment of the 20th Przemyśl WOT Brigade (2nd in the voivodship), with plans for battalions in border poviats
- Substantial funds for urban regeneration, e.g. extension of the underground tourist route in Przemyśl. The main beneficiaries are Przemyśl, Jarosław and Kalwaria Pacławska
9. Restructuring of the hospital in Ustrzyki Dolne and construction of the Cultural Heritage Centre.
10. Construction of a sports and tourist center in Wańkowa in the Olszanica commune.
So far, there has been no such great support from the Polish state. District 58 consists of 7 poviats and cities with poviat rights: Lubaczów, Jarosław, Przeworski, Bieszczady, Lesko, Sanok, Przemyśl, and the city of Przemyśl. The largest funds allocated to the implementation of district programs:
Strategic Investments Program (PIS) – PLN 1,124,479,160
Government Local Investment Fund (RFIL) – PLN 195,832,180
Government Road Development Fund (RFRD) – PLN 133,955,070
Monument Protection Program (2019 – 2022) – PLN 46,335,317.95
Funds paid in Ward 58 under other programs:
Government Program "Family 500+" (2016-2021) - PLN 2,499,315,444
13th and 14th pension (2022) - PLN 316,629,000
Government program "Good Start" (2018-2021) - PLN 74,717,400
Subsidies for fertilizers (2022) - PLN 33,295,873
Aid for the Circles of Country Housewives (2018-2022) - PLN 5,925,000
Other programs implemented in district 58 are: Senior+ Program, "Sportowa Polska", Open Activity Zones, Meet Poland. We do not yet have full data on them or their implementation consumed less resources.
The largest investments carried out in District 58:
Modernization of railway line No. 91 and No. 92, Rzeszów-state border section – PLN 95.752 million
Modernization of Podkarpackie provincial roads in the Bieszczady Mountains - 69.920 million
Extension of the building of the District Court in Przemyśl - PLN 66.285 million
Construction of a swimming pool complex in Przemyśl – PLN 30 million
Purchase of 12 buses and modernization of urban transport in Przemyśl - PLN 30 million
Modernization of DW894 Wołkowyja-Polańczyk - 30 million
Construction and modernization of educational infrastructure in Primary School 2 and Primary School 8 in Sanok - PLN 17.459 million
Construction of a photovoltaic farm in the commune of Przeworsk - PLN 15.2 million
Development of the Przemyśl Fortress complex for the purposes of cultural tourism - PLN 14.4 million
Modernization of the sewage treatment plant in Zagórze - PLN 12 million
Reconstruction of the Jarosław-Wietlin-Łazy and Lubaczów-Laszki-Duńkowice district roads 11.186 million
Construction of a community center in Adamówka with photovoltaic panels - PLN 10.925 million
Construction of a sports hall in Dubiecko – PLN 10.890 million
These are only the biggest investments. Below are the two largest in each county:
lubaczowski: Modernization of the existing and construction of new lighting infrastructure and thermal modernization of public utility buildings (13.5 million), Reconstruction/expansion of district roads No. 1688R, 1638R, 1656R, 1666R in the Lubaczów poviat (10.020 million)
jaroslawski: Organizing the sewage management at Jana Tarnowskiego Street by separating the combined sewage system. Reconstruction of the road with the construction of an intersection (PLN 13.613), Reconstruction and modernization of public utility facilities and construction of a gymnasium in the Chłopice commune (PLN 10.350)
przeworski: Construction of a photovoltaic farm in the commune of Przeworsk (15.2 million), Construction of a community center in Adamówka together with a photovoltaic installation (10.925 million)
bieszczadzki: Reconstruction of the road infrastructure in the Bieszczady district as a condition for the economic development of the Bieszczady Mountains (9.975 million), Improvement of the road infrastructure in the Czarna Commune (7.480 million)
leski: Construction of the new seat of the Poviat Police Headquarters in Lesko (17.682 million), reconstruction of the poviat hospital in Lesko (10.2 million)
sanocki: Reconstruction of the Tarnawa - Kalnica poviat road together with the bridge structure (PLN 14,282,609)
Construction and modernization of educational infrastructure in the buildings of Primary School No. 2 and Primary School No. 8 in Sanok (PLN 17.459), Construction of an indoor swimming pool with facilities as part of the construction of the Rehabilitation and Sports Center on the premises of MOSiR (PLN 14.713)
Przemyski: Development of the historic complex of the Przemyśl Fortress for the purposes of cultural tourism (PLN 14.4 million), construction of a sports hall in the City and Commune of Dubiecko (PLN 10.890), Construction of an indoor swimming pool with a recreation and leisure section at the school in Fredropol (PLN 10.8 million)
Przemysl: expansion of the building of the District Court in Przemyśl (66.285 million), construction of a swimming pool complex in Przemyśl (30 million), construction of a pistol shooting range (8.898 million).
PiS representatives in the districts listed the investments most expected by the residents, such as a new bridge over the San River or a bridge that will connect the Stubno and Orły communes.