The Speaker of the Sejm, Marek Kuchciński, met with the residents of Tryńcza municipality, where the support for PiS in the EP elections was over 80%.
The numerous people who came to the meeting testify both to their satisfaction with the management and investment in the city (Ryszard Jedruch was elected in 2018 as the best mayor in the country) and to the Law and Justice programs and reforms that serve the residents well.
Marek Kuchciński talked to his constituents about how they see the affairs of the country from the perspective of their municipality, what else can be changed and fixed. They discussed Poland and the programs introduced, such as 500 PLN for children, school starter kit, lowering the retirement age, education reform, 13th pension, sealing the tax system, which allowed to carry out reforms that helped the most needy, lowering CIT, abolishing tax for young people, as well as local, Podkarpackie issues related to sustainable development - such as government involvement in the reopening of the wagon factory in Gniewczyn.