- All the time we stand together with Mr. President on the side of ordinary people. We fight against various interest groups, against those who have conspired to make Poland run uphill with a stone at its feet. The president is also fighting them," Mateusz Morawiecki said in Rzeszów. The Prime Minister reminded that Podkarpacie received seven times more financial support for infrastructure from the Law and Justice government than from Donald Tusk's government - 500 road investments were completed in Podkarpacie.
Rapid service response to flooding
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki stressed that the state reacted quickly to the flood situation in Podkarpackie province and provided assistance to those affected. "Benefits for 79 families have been allocated from the government's special purpose reserve. Losses are currently being estimated in order to help people as soon as possible," the Prime Minister noted. "The motto of our government is not to leave anyone without help," he added.
Flood prevention investment
The government plans to build an investment that will help protect the residents of Rzeszow and Krasne municipality from flooding. A water management system will be designed for this purpose.
The investment includes construction of 2 flood control reservoirs with a total area of 13.3 ha and capacity of 130,000 m3. The escarpments will also be properly shaped, together with a sectional elevation of the banks.
The investment will provide flood protection for approximately 872 residents and 273 residential buildings on a total area of 75 ha.
Support for Podkarpackie voivodeship under the government anti-crisis measures
Due to the situation caused by COVID-19, the government has allocated more than PLN 4.2 billion to help workers and entrepreneurs in Podkarpacie.
Anti-crisis shield: over PLN 1.3 billion, including subsidies to salaries of approx. 120 thousand employees - over PLN 0.5 billion
Polish Development Fund Financial Shield: about PLN 2.5 billion
Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego Aid Shield: approx. PLN 0.5 billion
Road investments in Podkarpackie voivodship
Podkarpacie is undergoing dynamic development of a new road network, including construction of the Via Carpatia route - the S19 expressway.
Over 54 km of the S19 expressway is under construction, and another 85 km is being prepared. More than 30 km have already been commissioned (from the Sokołów Małopolski junction to the Rzeszów Południe junction). The length of S19 in the Podkarpackie Province will eventually reach approx. 169 km.
S19 Lublin-Rzeszów
Total length of sections with construction permit: 46 km.
Total investment value: over PLN 1.3 billion.
In 2022. Rzeszów will be connected not only with Lublin by the S19 expressway, but also with Warsaw by the S17. This will be a new, comfortable and safe road connection with the capital city. The route, which is about 300 km long and connects the suburbs of Rzeszów and Warsaw, will be covered by car in less than 3 hours.
S19 Rzeszów-Barwinek
Over 85 km of the future S19 from the Rzeszów Południe junction to the state border in Barwinek is under preparation.
100 bypasses program
In Podkarpackie voivodeship, the program covered, among others, ring roads:
Sanok (DK28) - 7 km: opened in January 2020; heavy transit traffic was moved out of the city center.
Stalowa Wola and Nisko (DK77) - 15 km: the value of the investment is over PLN 199 million; completion is planned for the first quarter of 2021.
Bypass of Łańcut (DK94) - 5.8 km: investment value of over PLN 115 million; completion planned for September 2021.
There are 8 more bypasses in preparation in Podkarpackie province.
Government support for local roads
The years 2016-2020 saw a surge in government support for local road infrastructure improvements.
Thanks to the Local Government Roads Fund in 2019, the funds for the Podkarpackie Voivodeship have increased compared to previous years from 50 million zlotys to more than 300 million zlotys, an increase of 600 percent.
In 2016-2020, 665 municipal and district tasks were implemented in Podkarpacie for a total amount of funding of more than 656 million PLN, including more than 317 million PLN from the FDS in 2019.
A total of 919 km of local roads were built, rebuilt and repaired.
Bridges for Regions Program
The program provides funding for the development of project documentation for the construction of new bridge crossings of strategic importance to the region.
We provided 5.8 million PLN of funding for the development of project documentation for the construction of 3 new bridges in the Podkarpacie Province: on the San River in Stalowa Wola, Jarosław and Brzozów Districts.
source: premier.gov