On assuming the office of Minister Member of the Council of Ministers, I solemnly swear that I will remain faithful to the provisions of the Constitution and other laws of the Republic of Poland, and that the good of the Fatherland and the well-being of citizens will always be my highest order. So help me God - The words of the oath were delivered by Marek Kuchcinski.
Thank you for taking on this new task at a difficult time when there are so many difficult decisions that need to be made within the Council of Ministers; when there is so much anxiety," said President Andrzej Duda, appointing Marek Kuchcinski as a member of the Council of Ministers and head of the Cabinet.
Minister, at a difficult time, when we, like the rest of Europe, the rest of the world, are facing a whole series of economic problems, primarily caused by the Russian attack on Ukraine, when there is so much anxiety, when there are so many difficult decisions that have to be made within the Council of Ministers, when many unpopular decisions have to be made as well, which are always decisions that are not easy for politicians, especially in democratic standards, when we are all subject to elections. Thank you very much for this. It shows, not only determination and readiness to work for the Republic, but it also shows courage and a deep sense of mission," the president said.