Chief Labor Inspector Wiesław Łyszczek today thanked Marek Kuchciński for the good cooperation between the PIP and the Speaker of the Sejm and for his activities for labor protection. The justification also says that Marek Kuchciński's initiatives as translated into increased levels of self-governance in the labor relations and shaping a positive image of the PIP.
The Labor Inspectorate, established by decree of Jozef Pilsudski, is a peer of the Independent Republic of Poland, which was reborn one hundred years ago. Marek Kuchciński emphasized that even then, from the very dawn of our sovereignty, great importance was attached to respecting the dignity of human work and respecting workers' rights. He also stressed that today, care for the dignity, subjectivity and safety of the employee is one of the most important tasks carried out by the state. Work is a constitutionally protected good, and the state authorities have a duty to exercise this protection.
- The fathers of Independence understood that "...the greatness of a country cannot be built on the unjust treatment of its citizens." At the beginning of the reborn Republic of Poland, labor and social rights were strengthened. These included the eight-hour workday, social insurance in the event of illness, and the right to form trade unions," said Kuchciński.
The jubilee conference on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of PIP "I work legally" was held in PWSW in Przemyśl.