Politicians, activists and supporters of Law and Justice party from Przemyśl met to share Christmas carols, wafer and summarize the past year.
Speaker of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński emphasized that Poles evaluate 2018 as one of the best years after 1989 - Many decisions made at the local, regional level can be counted as fulfilled promises that PiS made in 2015. These include the tax-free amount, increases in the lowest salaries, measures to facilitate the development of entrepreneurship, investments to bring better development and money for citizens, the Local Government Roads Fund - enumerated the Speaker.
2018 was a particularly fruitful year for Przemyśl. As the Marshal emphasized, the dreams of many generations of residents, regardless of political option, have been realized. Both the city and the Przemyśl Fortress have been included on the list of historical monuments, the National Museum of the Przemysl Land has been co-managed by the Ministry of Culture since December. There are plans to restore the historical train that used to travel through Przemyśl, Chyrów, Krościenko and Ustrzyki Dolne, which Marek Kuchciński assures will definitely be implemented. The Marshal reminded that last year we will also see other initiatives - international ones - not only connected with the Carpathian Europe, but also railroads or roads, such as Via Carpatia, which will result in raising the rank of the Przemyśl land and the whole Podkarpackie voivodeship as well as creating new jobs. - Our activities are aimed at strengthening the Polish state, providing a sense of security to all citizens. We are perceived as those who fight too vigorously for their own, but in the European Union it is necessary. We want Poland to be treated as a sovereign state in a Europe of free states, so that we are treated in the same way as the Italians or Germans," said the Speaker. Kuchciński also mentioned the conference organized in Przemyśl to commemorate the 550th anniversary of Polish parliamentarism, and the fact that one of the most eminent and distinguished Speakers of the Sejm, Andrzej Maksymilian Fredro, came from Przemyśl. The Speaker encouraged people to be guided in public life by the virtues that Fredro espoused, as well as by the common good. - We have built our strength in the Podkarpacie region by avoiding misunderstandings or internal divisions, as well as by encouraging cooperation between those who were in different groups. There is only one goal - Poland as a home, where we are guaranteed a decent and just life', said Marek Kuchciński.
Podkarpackie voivode Ewa Leniart, summarizing the past year, mentioned successful and important initiatives, i.e. support for families and investments, especially in roads. In Podkarpacie almost 2,7 billion PLN was allocated for social policy, 1,4 billion PLN for Podkarpacie families for realization of 500 plus program. Ewa Leniart also mentioned the increase in the number of places in nurseries, programs for seniors and significant funds for the removal of natural disasters. She emphasized that a step has been made in terms of health care reform.
The meeting was also attended by Anna Schmidt-Rodziewicz MP, Lucyna Podhalicz Deputy Governor of Podkarpackie Voivodship, Piotr Pilch Deputy Marshal of Podkarpackie Voivodship.
Photo by Marta Olejnik