Polish Order means 20 important programs and PLN 45 billion to strengthen farmers and rural development. We improve investment opportunities for farmers and rural residents, support family farms, introduce friendly regulations in the process of potential farm transfer.
We want the countryside to be not only a flywheel of export or our food security, but also a permanent element of the Polish landscape. People in rural areas must feel valuable - said Marek Kuchciński during meetings with inhabitants in Podkarpacie - in Tyrawa Wołoska and Lubaczów.
The MP also reminded that when PiS started its rule, the tax-free amount was 3 thousand PLN. Now it will be 30 thousand PLN! Polish Order is a chance for dynamic development of the whole Poland. It means lower taxes for over 18 million Poles, a tax-free pension, abolition of limits to specialists, 7% of GDP for health, an apartment without own contribution, a house without formalities. The Polish Order is also another support for families for the second and next child in the amount of PLN 12 thousand. Poland's poviats and communes must be reborn, which is why the PLA also means subsidies for investment and new jobs, but also better infrastructure and accessibility. Small Science Centres "Kopernik" will also be established in medium and small towns. We do not forget about the Polish countryside. The P³ is, among other things, support for family farms, higher subsidies for agricultural fuel and facilitation of direct sale by farmers.