On the 80th anniversary of the death of Walery Slawek a.k.a. Gustaw, Marshal of the Sejm Marek Kuchcinski unveiled a plaque dedicated to the Colonel, Speaker of the Sejm, three times Prime Minister, close associate of Marshal Pilsudski, Knight of the Order of the White Eagle and Silver Cross of the Virtuti Militari War Order.
The building on Szucha Street in Warsaw was chosen not accidentally. S³awek lived and worked there. The man about whom it was said that a conversation with him was the equivalent of a discussion with Marshal Pilsudski, belonged to the PPS fighting organization, and was also an officer in the Polish Legions. He devoted his life to his homeland. He took it from himself on the night of April 2 to 3, 1939. The Communists were keen to ensure that his memory was lost along with the idea of freedom and selfless service to Poland.
As Marek Kuchciński pointed out, Slawek was brought up in the spirit of the uprising ethos. He belonged to the generation that brought independence to Poland. He served the reborn Republic of Poland with his knowledge and experience. For Walery Slawek homeland was the highest good and taking care of its prosperity was a great challenge. The Marshal emphasized that the Colonel was one of the most significant figures of the Second Republic of Poland. A declared statesman, he fulfilled his duties with great commitment. He treated power as a mission, which should be fulfilled with due seriousness and great respect.
Kuchciński reminded that Walery Sławek dreamed of a strong and independent Poland, a Poland of law and justice. And now we can boldly say that the plaque commemorating the 80th anniversary of Walery Slawek's tragic death is a symbol of remembrance of the man who served Poland. - Placed in this special place, the plaque is a kind of bridge between history and the present. It eloquently emphasizes that Walery Slawek - fighter for Poland's freedom, founder of the Legions, Speaker of the Sejm (22 June 1938-27 November 1938), three-time Prime Minister - is not only a monumental figure, but also an ordinary man who lived, worked and tragically died in this building," said the Speaker of the Sejm.
After the ceremony, wreaths were laid on the grave of Walery Slawek at the Powązki Military Cemetery in Warsaw.
text / photo marta olejnik