During the interview for TVP in Polanczyk on Zalew Soliński, Speaker of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński reminded that in October last year in this very place the government announced the Programme for Bieszczady concerning their wide, strategic development. - Over one billion zlotys were allocated for this purpose. The programme is primarily aimed at the development of entrepreneurship, creation of good jobs, mainly related to tourism, but also to increase the accessibility of the Bieszczady - with national, communal, voivodship, poviat roads... If we walk along the Great Loop, through Połonina Caryńska, Wetlinska, then in the passes of Vyšna and Vyšniańska we notice that the parking lots are still unadjusted to the large interest. Recently the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Development made a decision, that the self-government of the voivodeship will receive additional 10 million zlotys to improve the infrastructure and accessibility - said Marek Kuchciński. - Bieszczady are many unusual places, such as Chatka Puchatka mountain hostel, which is the highest located in Beskidy, geothermal energy, railroad over Solina dam or Solina itself, which attracts with its mysteriousness and wonderful sailing conditions everyone, not only from Poland - he argued.
The Marshal also drew attention to the Carpathian Neighbourhood Days which will be held in August in Wolosat and Mucze, and which will be related to regional cooperation, the Carpathian strategy and the strategy for the Bieszczady Mountains. - It is connected with the plans to open the crossing in Wołosat permanently, which will increase the traffic on Zakapat, attractiveness and cooperation in the region. - I am an ardent supporter of such actions - Kuchciński concluded.
The Bieszczady Programme is addressed to the communes of the following poviats: Bieszczady (Czarna, Lutowiska and Ustrzyki Dolne), Lesko (Baligród, Cisna, Lesko, Olszanica, Solina), Sanok (Komańcza Zagórz, Tyrawa Wołoska) and Przemyskie (Bircza), however its positive effects will be felt both by the neighbouring localities and the whole region. It assumes that Bieszczady will be: close, resident-friendly, green, entrepreneurial.
Bieszczady close is a safe way to school and work, quick connections with regional cities, and fast and safe access to the Bieszczady Mountains for tourists. About 200 million PLN has already been invested in the transport area. The construction of S19 road from Rzeszow to the state border is being prepared. There are plans to modernise such transport routes as e.g. DK84 connecting Sanok-Zagórz-Lesko-Ustrzyki Dolne with the Ukrainian border and DK 28 connecting S19 with Sanok, Przemyśl and the state border in Medyka.
Bieszczady for the inhabitants It is access to social and health services, good quality education and places for recreation and sport. In other words, Bieszczady is supposed to be a friendly place to live.
Green Bieszczady is clean energy and clean rivers and the Solina Lake. PLN 60 million has already been allocated to support environmental protection investments. The projects implemented include water and sewage investments in the Czarna, Ustrzyki Dolne, Cisna, Solina, Komańcza and Zagórz communes.
Entrepreneurial Bieszczady are activities aimed at creating a comprehensive and competitive tourist brand in the Bieszczady Mountains.
In the Powiat Starosty (Starosty Powiatowe) local government activists, village leaders, community activists and inhabitants of the Bieszczady district met with the Speaker of the Sejm. They talked about issues important for Poland, but also about the problems of functioning of the Bieszczady community and perspectives of its development. The whole meeting was held under the motto: "Bieszczady - the Pearl of Podkarpacie".
The Marshal Marek Kuchciński confirmed the realization of Centralny Ośrodek Sportu investment in the area of Ustrzyki Dolne commune. There was also discussion about possible changes in the Local Government Roads Development Programme in terms of easier access for the Bieszczady local governments, support for Ustrzyki hospital, implementation of the Bieszczady Programme, support for tourism development in Bieszczady and also about the problems resulting from restrictive nature protection restrictions for the region's inhabitants. The President of the Fund and the Director of Polish Water Authorities have presented the activity of the institutions they manage and the possibilities of their support to the Bieszczady areas.
source: Facebook/ Marek Andruch: