I was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Arnie Wellman, Vice President of UPS and a man to whom so many people, mainly children and youth in different parts of the world, owe so much.
We met in 2005, thanks to Marek Matraszek, when Arnie and his UPS Friends came to Poland to consider which rural schools near Przemyśl were worth helping to rebuild, and which children should have access to the latest communication tools from around the world. He chose two elementary school in Poland: in Lipa and Sierakosce, and in Nizankowice in Ukraine. We actually chose them together, and our first trips to Ukraine were accompanied by various unconventional experiences.
In a short period of time, new Internet laboratories were launched in these schools, new gymnasiums were built and they were equipped with various teaching materials. A system of scholarships for the most talented students was launched, supporting their studies in high schools and colleges.
Arnie had inexhaustible strength. Because apart from the most important matters he also found time for exploring Przemyśl and the Bieszczady Mountains during his short stay in Poland. He felt great in the mountains...
To this day I remember Arnie and his Friends with great fondness, his warm smile and open heart. A great man has passed away.
Marek Kuchciński
Wellman passed away on October 7, 2015.
Arnold F.Wellman - Vice President of the American company UPS, philanthropist and social activist, Knight of the Order of the Smile.The "People to People" project, implemented by UPS Poland since 2005, was aimed at supporting children from the villages of Lipa and Sierakosce in the Podkarpacie region, as well as from historically and ethnically connected Ukrainian villages of Nizankowice and Golovecko. As part of the assistance, 4 modern computer rooms at schools were financed and built, school infrastructure was modernized, teaching aids, books and dictionaries for libraries were purchased, gymnasiums were built, and internet access and educational programs were financed.