Today in Przemyśl, 8th term Speaker of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński, Deputy Speaker of the Sejm Ryszard Terlecki and Deputy Sports Minister Jacek Osuch discussed sports development in Podkarpacie. Marek Kuchciński emphasized that the area of Przemyśl and Podkarpacie have great sport traditions, and in some disciplines, such as skiing, they outclass the rest of Poland.
- Support for each club, even the smallest one, makes us build physical fitness in addition to strength of spirit - said Marshal Kuchciński.
Outlays of the Ministry of Sport in Podkarpackie Province in 2018 compared to 2015 increased by 120 percent. Between 2016 and 2018, nearly PLN 252 million was invested in sports infrastructure in Podkarpackie Province.
The "Club" program has been implemented by the Ministry of Sport since 2016. Its aim is to subsidize activities carried out by sports clubs that are local centers of social activity and places for improving the physical condition of society.
An entity operating for at least 3 years as an association and conducting sports training for children and youth under 18 years of age may apply for funding. The amount of co-financing is:
- PLN 10 thousand for single-section clubs
- PLN 15 thousand for multi-section clubs
The Program is financed from the Fund for Physical Development (FRKF), which is administered by the Minister of Sport. The amount of PLN 40,000,000 has been earmarked for implementation of the Program in 2020.
Moreover, a modern sports hall, which is the Centre of Badminton Development in Przemysl, is ready. The building is equipped with a sports arena, trainers' rooms, sports equipment storage, public toilets - including those for the disabled and two locker room-sanitary units, communication with the elevator and a viewing gallery. The value of the task is PLN 7 million 564 thousand.
The investment is co-financed by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism in the amount of PLN 3 million 200 thousand as part of the Programme of Investments of Special Importance for Sport, i.e. approx. 42.3 percent.
Another gymnasium, with funding of 1.3 million PLN, will be built in Zarzecze commune.
After several decades the stadium in Zurawica has also been modernized. Financing within the scope of the task includes:
- renovation and modernisation of the existing grass pitch
- renovation of the running track in terms of execution of the polyurethane surface of TARTAN type
- Demolition of part of the existing sidewalks and making a new paving of the playing field with paving blocks.
The cost of the entire investment will amount to PLN 1,318,501.46 gross, of which PLN 643,079.00 will come from the Government Programme Sport Poland - Local Development Programme.
The extension of the Juwenia athletics stadium in Przemyśl included the construction of a multifunctional building, a garage and storage area, a covered stand, a training track, a ball throwing bench and a parking lot fence. The value of the investment is nearly PLN 3.4 million.
The meeting was also attended by representatives of sports clubs and associations, activists and athletes.