Law and Justice Convention

Five proposals for local governments are another offer of Law and Justice after Morawiecki's so-called Five to improve the lives of Poles. During the Law and Justice Party's convention, the prime minister presented a program designed to It also aims at the best possible cooperation between the central government and local governments:

WARM HOUSE. Commitment to thermal upgrading of buildings, as well as to waste management. In September, the largest thermomodernization program will be launched, which will bring real savings for citizens in relation to heating their homes. It will contribute to the improvement of air quality, and thus have a positive impact on the health of Poles. Homeowners will be able to take advantage of loans or grants, which will vary from 40 to 90 percent of the investment costs, depending on the income per person in the family. The project provides for a reduction of waste fees, if we segregate municipal waste. Special programs for communities, housing cooperatives and single-family houses are also to be created. The draft provides for the possibility of partial exemption from the garbage fee if the property owner has a home composter.

GOOD LOCATION. Increase funding for senior citizen homes, and allocate 500 million over several years to build children's playgrounds, sports centers and outdoor gyms.

MODERN MUNICIPALITY. State co-financing of investments in local governments. It's about building sidewalks and train stations. The proposal would double funding for municipalities that want to rebuild bus service. The construction of about 200 new railroad stations and the renovation of old ones are to be implemented in the coming years as part of the Railway Station Investment Program, adopted in 2017 at a cost of PLN 1 billion.

INTERNET FASTER MORE. We will eliminate so-called "white spots" on the country's Internet map and connect educational institutions to fast broadband Internet. The government wants to spend PLN 4 billion over 3-4 years to connect 20,000 schools to the fast network.

YOU LIVE YOU DECIDE. A program to activate communes, especially smaller ones, to create civic, participatory budgets. The government wants to allocate PLN 300 million for this purpose.

Prime Minister Morawiecki reminded that the government keeps the promises contained in the Morawiecki Five. He introduced the "small ZUS", the "Good start" school allowances program, the "Accessibility plus" program for people with disabilities, lower CIT for small businesses or road investments.

"We are walking together towards victory, we are walking towards a better Poland and towards the
With a joint effort, in 15-20 years Poland will have
Just like west of our borders". - Jaroslaw Kaczynski, chairman of the Law and Justice party, said (...) "We are not going into this election to be harsh and accountable. We are only going to be harsh and accountable where there are drastic events, where there was great harm to people, where there were crimes, even crimes, where there were great abuses, as in Warsaw," Kaczyński said. - Jarosław Kaczyński argued.

During the convention also candidates for mayors presented themselves: Patryk Jaki (Warsaw), Malgorzata Wassermann (Krakow), Miroslawa Stachowiak-Rozecka (Wroclaw), Kacper Plaszynski (Gdansk), Lucjusz Nadberezny (Stalowa Wola).

In addition, the leaders of the United Right: PiS (Jaroslaw Kaczynski), Solidarna Polska (Zbigniew Ziobro) and Porozumienie (Jaroslaw Gowin) signed an agreement in which they pledged to field candidates from the Law and Justice lists in the upcoming local, parliamentary and European Parliament elections, and that they will support a common presidential candidate in 2020.

Photo by M. Olejnik DSCF0160 (1) DSCF0162 (1) DSCF0245 (1) DSCF0271 (2)



Parliamentary committees

Law and Justice



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