Under the patronage of President Andrzej Duda, a conference was held in the Sejm titled "The Underground Army Returns. Youth in restoring the memory of the Polish Confederate Soldiers".
"The Conclave Soldiers are a symbol of the intergenerational bond - those who put patriotism and love of the Homeland higher than their own lives. They became continuators of confederate, insurgent and irredentist traditions under communism". - said Speaker of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński. "Today, the Wyklęcci Soldiers have become icons of the young generation, which has contributed to reevaluating the opinion about the heroes of the anti-communist underground and consolidating the memory of their mission in a modern way," he argued.
Speech by the Speaker of the Sejm: Speech by the Speaker of the Sejm. Soldiers of the Classifieds
President Andrzej Duda wrote in a letter to the conference participants that: "independent Poland makes efforts to duly honor its best sons, who in times of terror and enslavement gave splendid proofs of valor and courage".
"I would like it to resound: undoubtedly the fact that today's young people are with Poland and are creating Poland and are undoubtedly those who show that they do not want to deal with just any Poland, but with the Poland of the Polish Soldiers of the Classified, that is, they are this returning army," said Prof. Jan Żaryn. - said Prof. Jan Żaryn.
"I hope that the youth, who are always close to me, will not forget, that they will remember us". - said Gen. Jan Podhorski, an exultant Soldier.
Jan Józef Kasprzyk, the acting head of the Office for War Veterans Affairs, also emphasized the bond that connected young people with the soldiers of the anti-communist underground. "The fact that there are young people here today who see in them their point of reference, in their attitudes a source of value and strength," he said.
The Excluded Soldier Veronika Sebastianowicz from Belarus said: "An Unbroken Soldier rarely cries, but now I can't hold back tears of joy that today we have such great respect, so much seriousness, good words, that one wants to live and act further. Because for us, the War did not end for the Polish Underground Soldiers living in the Borderlands. We are faithful to our oath, we are there to fight for our Polish land.
The conference was one of the events accompanying the National Day of Remembrance of the Aged Soldiers, which falls on March 1. It was established by the Parliament in 2011 "as a tribute to the Allied Soldiers - heroes of the anti-communist underground who defended the independent existence of the Polish State, fighting for the right to self-determination and the realization of the democratic aspirations of Polish society, with arms in their hands, as well as in other ways, resisted Soviet aggression and the imposed by force communist regime.