Decreasing natural resources, civilization diseases, epidemiological and military threats make us increasingly aware of the need for cooperation between all the countries of the Old Continent. In the face of the challenges facing it, unity and dialogue - at the level of governments, parliaments, experts or combined in a conference such as Carpathian Europe - is extremely important. Since 2007, this project has gradually evolved into an important forum where we openly discuss important areas of human activity, diplomacy, economic interests, sustainable development, transit routes, social needs, human rights, environmental protection, security issues and capacity for cooperation.
We all need a stronger Europe. We should, however, draw this strength from healthy relations between states, respect for national differences, cultural differences and political distinctiveness. It is not states but strong countries and nations that can build a competitive, safe and wise European Union. The strength of united states cannot be the weakness of nations. That is why we say openly in the EU that we want to be treated with the respect due to the people who co-create the EU economy. We want our sovereignty, diversity, history and right to pursue national interests to be respected.
The European Union should remember its Christian roots. It should remember that its precursor was the Union of Lublin - the Republic of the Two (Triple) Nations, a work of Polish and Lithuanian politicians that lasted 300 years! And it should remember that Europe is not just a market without a soul.
Within the framework of Carpathian Europe, regional cooperation is being developed, so let us strengthen and support each other. Especially today, in the face of Putin's regime's aggression against our neighbors, in the face of human rights violations in Belarus, we must be united.
But security is not just a military or cyber issue. We will not be safe by destroying nature, monuments leading to the reduction of drinking water resources, forests, animal species - to the reduction of biodiversity. The increasingly poor quality of air and food will lead to catastrophic consequences. Speakers from Europe are looking for answers how to stop this global destruction.
We must show the way. Bieszczady Mountains without plastic? Shortening the food supply chain? Organic farms? These are good, traditional directions!
Closer cooperation between the countries of the region and the use of their potential is also the basis of the initiated Carpathian Strategy. The document signed by the representatives of Poland, Ukraine, Hungary and Slovakia during the XXVIII Economic Forum in Krynica is to be translated into the EU macro-regional strategy and facilitate access to significant funds from the EU budget, give impetus to cooperation in the field of investment or create dedicated solutions for the region. It is worth adding that the Polish initiative has a chance to become the fifth macro-regional strategy of the EU and the second mountain one (after the Alpine strategy). In Poland, the Carpathian Strategy would cover the provinces of Podkarpacie, Małopolskie and Śląskie.
Today I would like to invite you to the 30th Carpathian Europe Conference, which will be held this year on September 7-9th within the framework of the Economic Forum in Karpacz. Panelists will include politicians, scientists and high class specialists.
This year we will focus on security - especially in the context of Russian actions - parliamentary diplomacy, strengthening ties in the region, but also cooperation with the US or China, the Green Deal, the future of Europe, cultural heritage, climate change and national parks as a potential for tourism.
Marek Kuchciński
Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee,
Carpathian Parliamentary Group