- 400 years ago, in the land of Przemyśl during the First Republic of Poland, Andrzej Maksymilian Fredro, one of the most outstanding politicians, statesmen, writers and representatives of state authorities, was born. By unveiling the monument, we are commemorating his work and cultivating the finest Polish traditions," said Marek Kuchciński. He also recalled that this eminent figure - Marshal of the Sejm, writer, philosopher, founder of the monastery and church in Kalwaria Pacławska - combined state policy with the Church, remembering where we come from. The power of the state, weapons with spirituality.
- From the perspective of the 1050 years of the Republic of Poland's adherence to Christian civilization, Fredro appears to us as a man who, while performing important state functions in extremely difficult times for our part of Europe, as a great man, was able to combine his service to the Republic with the service of Providence," added the Marshal.
Marek Kuchciński was accompanied by Piotr Pilch, Deputy Marshal of Podkarpacie Province, Jan Jarosz, Director of the Przemyśl Land Museum, and Robert Choma, former mayor of Przemyśl.