We are in the middle of a great historical process that may change our part of Europe. Communication is the basis for development and the Via Carpatia road will also contribute to cultural and regional cooperation. This route will also create specific roads, railroads, airports and jobs - said during the conference Europe of the Carpathians its initiator, former Speaker of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński.
During the panel discussion "Increasing Accessibility in the Tricity - elimination of infrastructural barriers" the Ministers of Transport of Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania and Hungary discussed the need for transport integration. According to them Via Carpatia road should belong to the base network Everything indicates that it will happen, because 11 countries support this The proposal.
- The countries of Central Europe should cooperate closely to coordinate key infrastructure investments. Our economies are more or less interdependent and the condition of each of them depends on modern communication in our region. Together we can do more, divided - sooner or later we lose - he said Andrzej Adamczyk. The Minister of Infrastructure argued that the importance of infrastructure programs such as Via Carpatia, Rail Baltica, High Speed Rail is considered not only in Poland but also in the entire region of Central and Eastern Europe. Such large infrastructure projects will have an impact on the region, improving communication and exchange of goods for the benefit of all Tri-City and Eastern Partnership countries.
Minister of Transport from Hungary Laszló Mosóczi He argued that by the end of 2021, the entire Via Carpathia will be completed in Hungary, from the border with Slovakia, through Miskolc to the border with Romania! He also reminded that the Amber railroad corridor was created, which "will be the future for our children". It will connect, among others, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary by a fast railroad line.
Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Vladislav Kriklij He pointed out that not only road corridors, but also digital corridors should be built. - Transport is the main economic system of our countries, therefore we need to cooperate and look for the best solutions - he said.
Minister of Transport and Communications of Belarus Alexei Avramenko He stressed that Belarus is a transit country, so the issues of road and railroad construction and modernization of border crossings are very important.
The special event during the conference Carpathian Europe was the presentation of the highest Lithuanian departmental decoration "For merits to the transport and communication system" to Minister Andrzej Adamczyk. The panel was moderated by MEP Bogdan Rzonecka.