The head of the Prime Minister's Office Marek Kuchciński took part in the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the National Farmers' Resistance Committee and the first Farmers' Ministry in Poland under the slogan "For a free village and free Poland".
- We acted to defend our homeland, homeland, with respect for human dignity and in accordance with Christian values in which we had been brought up for many generations - said the former Marshal of the Sejm, who actively supported OKOR. – Thanks to your actions, we live in a free Poland. Together, we can continue this work,” he stressed.
– Farmers' Ministry in Krasiczyn was born spontaneously when Fr. Stanisław Bartmiński organized a retreat for farmers on the anniversary of martial law from ten dioceses across Poland. At that time, we visited ten dioceses, invited 40 by name, and sent 20 by post. Unfortunately, the invitations fell into the hands of the UB and then the farmers were harassed. Krasiczyn was a place of support for anti-communist activists, repressed families, activists of independent organizations of individual farmers, a center for coordinating aid under the action "Rural to the city - the city of the village," recalls the head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister. The former Marshal of the Sejm emphasized that he had the feeling that one should organize to defend freedom, to defend one's own rights. It resembles conspiratorial meetings that give strength in the fight for freedom.
– When we came here with Father Sadłowski, for this conspiratorial meeting, there was still a thrill in all this, so you can say, we were sure that we were going to fight not only for a free Poland, but above all for our freedom. The slogan of independence, it only appeared later - he adds.
– It was 1982, and martial law was still in force, there was an absolute ban on gatherings. Here, however, this initiative emerged only thanks to Archbishop Ignacy Tokarczuk, who agreed to hold such illegal meetings, because it was only a year later that the chaplaincy under the aegis of the Catholic Church formally and legally began to operate - said Wieńczysław Nowacki, chairman of the Supreme Council of the Party Lu this "Fatherhood" of the Republic of Poland.
Father Stanisław Bartmiński about Marek Kuchciński:
Our cooperation dates back to hippie times and lasted about 10 years. Then Marek Kuchciński went on a different track, founded "Strych Kulturalny", I helped him a bit. I handed over the press, equipment, Marek gifts - e.g. vegetables. We toured Poland together, organizing help for farmers.
Marek was always reliable when it came to helping Silesia. Together with Maria Klimowicz's group, he transferred internees to our diocese. Tadeusz Jedynak's wife, Maria with her daughter, who was threatened that they would find her killed or raped, had to be transferred from Silesia. She boarded the train in Katowice and was supposed to get off in Żurawica, where Marek Kuchciński and Zygmunt Majgier were waiting for her. She was terrified because the train didn't stop. They stole her by car (by Toyota) from the train and moved her to Bircza, where she lived.
She was sure they were taking her to Russia. It also transported Father Sadłowski, whom they wanted to arrest. To Korytniki, then Marek took him around the world (the first months of martial law, retreats, transferring after Bishop Tokarczuk's sermon at Jasna Góra). It was a big action.
"Attic", Marta Olejnik