53rd Sitting of the Sejm

At its 53rd session, the Sejm rejected censure against the government of Prime Minister Beata Szylo.

Members passed, among other things:

budget amendments. The National Health Fund (NFZ) will receive from the state budget a subsidy for financing the guaranteed services, including highly specialized services, provided above the amount of liabilities resulting from contracts concluded for providing health care services with respect to individual service providers in a given scope, up to PLN 1 billion. Additional funds, in the form of a targeted grant of up to PLN 100 million, are to go to the Agency for the Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture for the implementation of financial assistance for agricultural producers who suffered damage to crops, forests or buildings used by them to conduct agricultural activities, caused by the occurrence of a hurricane, heavy rain or hail in August 2017.

the power market act, which introduces a two-traded electricity market in Poland. Both the energy and the readiness to supply it will be commodities.
The Law on Restructuring Law and the Code of Administrative Procedure were also amended.
the Law on State Protection ServiceThe draft is an attempt to respond to the numerous concerns and omissions identified in the December 2015 audit. The project is an attempt to respond to the numerous reservations and omissions shown in the December 2015 audit. The need to submit the project is also justified by the nature of contemporary threats in the field of security, among others, international terrorism.
He amended the law on organizing and conducting cultural activity.
The Sejm passed an amendment to the Penal Code expanding the limits of necessary defense.
Purpose: to fully implement the right to necessary defense, especially in the situation of violation of the home; to refrain from referring the case to court and imposing a penalty on the citizen in case of violation of the boundaries of necessary defense in the situation of attacking an assailant breaking into his house, apartment or property.
Members of Parliament decided to grant a subsidy for restoration of the Jewish Cemetery on Okopowa St. in Wola district.
Supreme Court bill. It is a response to widespread public concerns about justice reform. It is intended to rebuild social trust between citizens and the judiciary. It is aimed at rebuilding the flawed reality of the justice system, decommunization, and sensitizing the judicial community to the needs of citizens, manifested not only in formal justice, but also in understanding and fair resolution of cases. The Supreme Court will examine, with the participation of jurors, extraordinary complaints against final judgments of the courts since 1997.
project on the National Council of the Judiciary,  The project is aimed at improving the representativeness of the NCJ by increasing the participation of lower-level judges in the Council, as well as greater transparency of the Council's work. Judges will be elected by the Sejm





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