33rd Sitting of the Polish Sejm

During its 33rd session, the Polish Sejm adopted the following resolution 2017 budgetin which revenue is estimated at PLN 325.4 billion and expenditure at no more than PLN 384.8 billion. This means that the budget deficit will not exceed PLN 59.3bn. The revenues of the European funds budget will amount to PLN 60.2bn, and expenditures - to PLN 69.8bn. The negative result will be at the level of PLN 9.6 billion. Basic macroeconomic data: economic growth will be 3.6%, average annual inflation 1.3%, nominal wage growth 5.0%, employment will increase by 0.7% and private consumption (i.e. in households and the non-commercial sector) by 5.5%. The public finance sector deficit is planned at around 2.9% of GDP.

The Sejm adopted the act on retirement benefits for officers of the Police, the Internal Security Agency, the Foreign Intelligence Agency, the Military Counterintelligence Service, the Military Intelligence Service, the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau, the Border Guard, the Government Protection Bureau, the State Fire Department and the Penitentiary Service and their families, i.e. The so-called de-bureaucratization bill, which provides for the reduction of pensions for officers who served in the years 1944-1990 in, among others, the Security Service.

MPs have agreed on the final text of the law containing facilitations for entrepreneurs as part of the "100 changes for companies" package. The Act on Amending Certain Acts to Improve the Legal Environment for Entrepreneurs is intended to simplify and improve the legal conditions for doing business and increase the competitiveness of the economy.

The Sejm considered the position of the Senate on amendments to the Seed Production and Plant Protection Acts adjusting Polish legislation to EU directives related to seed production and fruit plants. The act also makes it possible to enter varieties of species, which are not covered by EU regulations but are traditionally cultivated in Poland and thus important in economic terms or due to the need to preserve plant biodiversity, into the national register.

Amendment of the Law on Research Institutes strengthens the minister's supervision over the institutes. The minister overseeing the institute is to appoint and dismiss the director and deputy director for an indefinite period.



Parliamentary committees

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