Thanks to Google Arts & Culture, you can virtually walk around the Sejm

In 2018. The Chancellery of the Sejm collaborated with the Google Arts & Culture platform, on which more than 1,800 institutions from 80 countries make their works available. The result of this cooperation is the creation of a virtual walk around the Sejm and an online exhibition presenting almost 100 objects related to the rich history of Polish parliamentarism. The exhibition includes four exhibitions on the First Republic of Poland, the Marshals of the Second Republic, museum objects depicting the history of the Sejm from the fifteenth century to the postwar period, and a gallery presenting a rich collection of paintings by Józef Rapacki, an outstanding Polish landscape artist. Additionally, as part of the virtual walk, the so-called Street View, users of the platform will have the impression as if they were walking along the Sejm corridors themselves. Thanks to modern technology, all those interested will be able to visit places in the building on Wiejska Street that are normally inaccessible, such as the plenary chamber, the office of the Speaker of the Sejm and the Sejm gardens. Due to the international nature of the exhibition, all the objects on the platform are presented in both Polish and English.

Google Arts & Culture is a platform created in 2011 where collections are shared by more than 1,800 museums from around the world. The Google Arts & Culture team works on technologies that help preserve cultural works and share them with people around the world, and enable museum curators to create compelling online and offline exhibitions. This gives internet users the opportunity to discover the art, history, and wonders of the world. It's a platform to find out what's happening behind the scenes, in the spotlight and on the street. The app is free and available on iOS and Android. You can read about the latest projects on the official Google Keyword blog.

Speaker of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński emphasized that in this way the Polish Sejm joined a popular project around the world, consisting of uaccessing the collections collected by museums and other important institutions On an online platform.

- It is valuable undertakingwhich enables all interested persons to discover cultural and historical treasures and helps to preserve the heritage of individual nations for future generations. Cmake the Sejm more modernopen to all members of society. Simply we move with the times. I am convinced that the presented visualization will meet with great interest - convinced the Marshal.

Photo by M. Olejnik

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