U.S. Ambassador's visit to Podkarpackie
Marek Kuchciński, Speaker of the Sejm, accompanied the U.S. Ambassador during his two-day visit to Podkarpacie. On the first day, Paul Jones visited Przemyśl and the castle in Krasiczyn.
Marek Kuchciński, Speaker of the Sejm, accompanied the U.S. Ambassador during his two-day visit to Podkarpacie. On the first day, Paul Jones visited Przemyśl and the castle in Krasiczyn.
Marek Kuchciński, Speaker of the Sejm, together with MPs participated today in the opening of the Ulma Family Museum of Poles Saving Jews during World War II in Markowa
The Speaker of the Polish Parliament Marek Kuchcinski opened the XII World Polonia Winter Games - Podkarpackie 2016. The competitions are being held in Sanok, Ustrzyki Dolne and Przemyśl, and participation in the
On February 27 in Przemyśl, on the initiative of the Speaker of the Polish Sejm Marek Kuchcinski, an international conference "Europe of the Carpathians" was held for the 11th time. Among the invited guests were parliamentarians,
The future of the European Union's territorial development and the achievement of our common goal of social and economic cohesion of the Union while preserving the richness of its diversity, in an increasingly
What are the threats and opportunities for cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe under threat? Are the nation-states located in this part of our continent treated as subjects?
On 25-26 July 2015, an international conference in the series "Europe of the Carpathians" took place in Smerek near Wetlina. The meeting focused on cross-border cooperation in the Carpathian region. During the three
PiS appeals to the government to pursue the establishment of an international agreement - the Carpathian strategy - covering the countries of the region: Serbia, Romania, Ukraine, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland. It would be
On Saturday, 25 June, in the seat of the Euroregion Tatry in Nowy Targ, the conference "Europe rich with the Carpathians" was opened by the Deputy Speaker of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński. The conference "Europe rich with the Carpathians" was opened by the Deputy Speaker of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński. It was another
On 2 June 2011 the Association "Carpathian Euroregion - Poland" put forward further initiatives in its efforts to create a special operational programme within the European Union, namely
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