The most important laws passed during the 84th session of the Sejm

Laws passed during the 84th session of the Sejm introduce, among others, 500 PLN for people with disabilities, are to increase environmental protection, counteract food waste and raise the minimum wage. The Sejm also adopted a report on the implementation of the budget and granted the Council of Ministers discharge for 2018.

In addition, Members during votes:

  • have adopted an amendment to the Pharmaceutical Law, which extends the catalog of medicinal products available to entities other other than patients or entities performing medical activities
  • have ratified the Agreement between the Government of of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the United States of America on enhancing cooperation in preventing and combating serious crime
  • amended the Act on the Manner of Determining the lowest basic salaries of certain employees working in medical medical entities, which is supposed to speed up the process of raising salaries of the lowest paid employees
  • by acclamation adopted a resolution dedicated to Kazimierz Sabbat, who died on July 19, 1989 Kazimierz Sabbat, in the years 1986-1989 President of the Republic of Poland in Exile
  • amended the act on retirement benefits officers, which unifies pension rules in all groups of uniformed services uniformed services
  • passed amendments to the Act on Social Assistance and the Act on Mental Health Protection
  • have adopted the Act on Ensuring Accessibility for Persons with special needs
  • have enacted a law on a compensation system for energy-intensive sectors and subsectors
  • They amended the Act on Ports and Harbours maritime ports and harbours, which, among other things, will increase financial transparency and strengthen the position of of managing ports and marinas
  • passed a bill that will provide more state support state support for veterans of operations outside the country, including a larger allowance and comprehensive medical care
  • they adopted amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure, concerning among others streamlining proceedings, adapting regulations to technological developments and elimination of legislative errors in the Act
  • The Polish Parliament adopted amendments to the Code of Commercial Companies. The new solutions will make it possible, among others, to hold shareholder meetings using using electronic means of communication
  • passed a law expanding the rights of police officers, Border Guard officers and Prison Guard officers to form and join trade unions
  • under ealka in pathology passed an amendment to the VAT law introducing mandatory split payment of VAT and a new VAT rate matrix to simplify the tax rate system



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