Public space as a place free from symbols propagating totalitarian systems. Local heroes in public space" is the main topic of the XXIII session of the Children and Youth Sejm.
Today you are in a unique place for the shape of the Polish public space. The Sejm influences what surrounds us, what speaks to us, what affects us. Power in free Poland belongs to the Nation, as we established in the times of the Constitution of 3 May, whose duty it is to free public memory from all remnants of totalitarian enslavement," said Marshal Marek Kuchciński when opening the session of the Children and Youth Sejm. - And it is good that your Seym has undertaken this task - searching for local heroes, often unjustly passed over in silence, but living in the memories of your parents and grandparents, friends - to restore our memory.
As a Nation we also have a duty to act for the benefit of our whole Homeland, but also for the benefit of each town, village or local community. Poland is every roadside shrine and every birch cross, every symbolic tree growing by the roadside, at the edge of the forest - like that of the January Uprising insurgents in the Kampinos National Park - where someone once gave their life and was buried for Poland. Poland is also you - its youngest representatives, to whom we want to give, in the near future, the care of this great legacy of history, which is our Republic. I am sure that you will preserve and repair it, just as today you are able to preserve our memory and repair the public space around us," said the Speaker of the Sejm.
The session of the Children and Youth Sejm ended with the adoption of a resolution on the place of local heroes in the public space free from symbols propagating totalitarian systems: Resolution of the Diet of DiM
The sessions, under the watchful eye of members of the Sejm Presidium, were conducted by junior marshals: Mikołaj Wolanin, Małgorzata Kuśmierczyk and Mateusz Wróblewski. The pupils participating in the project were to undertake activities aimed at raising the community's awareness of local heroes. The project attracted 522 two-person teams. As Bartłomiej Rosiak, Junior Member of Parliament and Chairman of the Committee of the 23rd SDiM session said, young people need authorities: - We managed to reach a compromise which resulted in a draft resolution. We agreed that the lack of knowledge about local heroes remains a significant problem. In turn, junior MP Jakub Durczok added that it is worthwhile for us to "learn from our nation's experiences and unite around common ideals." - Let's not get drawn into a fruitless argument over words. Let's show that Polish youth can maintain the culture of speech and discussion. - This was the opinion of the junior deputy Magdalena Richter. In total, 41 junior deputies took the floor.