I wanted to thank you personally, because today I am among those who are protected by you every day. I know very well that this is difficult. It is difficult for you who serve in my direct protection, but it is also difficult for me, because it is not easy to be surrounded by people who have insight into your private life - said President Andrzej Duda during today's celebrations at the Belvedere. On Tuesday noon, in addition to the head of state, the SOP holiday was also attended by Sejm Speaker Marek Kuchciński, Senate Speaker Stanisław Karczewski, Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration Joachim Brudziński and Head of the National Security Bureau Paweł Soloch. "All the best to the officers of the State Protection Service. Special greetings to my entire team," - Marek Kuchciński wrote on Twitter.
During the celebrations national decorations - Medals for Long Service - were awarded to distinguished officers, promotions to higher ranks. The oath of newly recruited officers was also held.
Joachim Brudziński, head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, emphasized in his speech that "this day will certainly go down in history, because for the first time the officers celebrate this holiday as the State Protection Service. - The place where we met is also no coincidence. The Belvedere was and is the seat of the most important person in the country. Today the first group of newly recruited officers took the oath on the new banner. Dear officers, from now on it will accompany you. It is very important that it bears the words referring to the service to Poland: God, Honour, Homeland - emphasized Minister Brudziński.
During the celebrations, a letter from Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki was read out. In it, the Prime Minister noted that the SOP holiday is a special event "as we celebrate it aware of the changes that are taking place in your formation. I assure all those gathered of my respect and sincere remembrance".
On February 1, a law came into force that established the State Protection Service in place of the Government Protection Bureau. The tasks of the SOP are not limited only to the protection of VIPs and the most important objects. The new service also has tasks involving the identification and prevention of crimes against, among others, Poland, life or health, public safety, safety in communications, public order, assaults and active assault, directed against the protected persons and the security of protected facilities.
text: Seym/CIS
photo: P. Kula