Members and supporters of Law and Justice gathered at the National Museum of the Przemysl Land to sum up 2019 and share a wafer. Marek Kuchcinski reminded that 2019 was full of important political, diplomatic and historical events that were significant from the international and national, regional and local perspectives. The Speaker of the Sejm of the last term emphasized that in both the elections to the European Parliament and the Polish Parliament, PiS was successful, with constituency 22 taking second place for the first time after the Highlanders, winning nearly 480,000 votes. This spectacular victory was possible above all thanks to intensive, teamwork of politicians in the region: during 2-3 months of the autumn election campaign over 2 thousand meetings were held. Marek Kuchciński thanked all citizens for high voter turnout, their support and interest in public affairs, Law and Justice members and friends for help and involvement, candidates for participation, effort and dedication.
After Marshal Kuchciński's speech, Subcarpathian Deputy Governor Lucyna Podhalicz and Subcarpathian Deputy Marshal Piotr Pilch presented plans for the construction of the border crossing in Malhowice (PLN 109 million) and the development of road infrastructure on the Przemyśl - Malhowice route with the construction of as many as 5 carriageway lanes at the border crossing with the total cost of the investment exceeding PLN 31 million.
- Key Bills of 2019:
- Mom+ (pension for mothers with four children)
- 13 retirement for all
- 500+ for each child
- Bus service development fund
- PIT exemption for young people under 26
- General PIT reduced to 17%
- Small Social Insurance Institution extended
Anniversaries: - 100 years of the Legislative Sejm, 30 years since free elections 15 years in the EU
- 450 years of the Lublin Union
- 390 years after the death of Andrzej M. Fredro
Departed: - Jan Olszewski
- Kornel Morawiecki
- Jan Szyszko
- Jolanta Szczypińska
- Rev. Stanislaw Krzywinski
- Rev. Eugene Dryniak
- Stanislaw Zolkiewicz
- Sigmund Majgier