On Saturday, during a mass, Metropolitan Archbishop of Przemysl Adam Szal consecrated the banner of Law and Justice.
Psalm 33, referenced during the sermon, states: "The word of the Lord is righteous, and every work of his is trustworthy. He loves law and justice, and the earth is full of his grace. Psalm 119 says, "Happy are those whose way is undefiled and who walk in the paths marked out by these values. Psalm 140 "Against treacherous foes" carries a clear message that law and justice will protect man from his oppressors...
In the old days, the banner helped build national identity. In the army it united the troops with their commander on the way to common goals. After regaining independence, when the Legislative Sejm adopted the national colors (1 August 1919), the banner became a distinctive sign uniting communities, professional groups, and institutions.
Referring to history, the Speaker of the Sejm pointed out:
The flag of which historians wrote that it was the flag of Sanok, but in fact it was the flag of Przemysl. So we are dealing with a certain continuation. The Banner of the Przemysl Land of Law and Justice is a certain symbol connecting the past, the great bond that united us then, several hundred years ago, under flags, with the future
Pointing to the appearance of the Law and Justice banner, Kuchciński said that on one side it is red and white with the motto "God, Honor, Homeland" embroidered on it, which have been rooted in Polish history for many centuries. On the other side of the banner, on a blue background "we have a look to the future", is the inscription "Law and Justice".
Marek Kuchciński also said that for a dozen or so months we have been dealing with the war of civilization on every front, which reaches each of us, each family, and not only affects our countries, not only affects people about whom everyone so far, even atheists, spoke with respect, such as the Holy Father John Paul II. - Today absolutely shameful voices are raised - he said. - Under these banners let us indulge those shameful forces which try to attack us, which try to take away our faith in victory. We will win! - concluded the Speaker of the Sejm.
The Podkarpackie Law and Justice Party handed over the banner to Marek Kuchcinski - the president chairman of the Podkarpackie Regional Council of the Law and Justice Party - in January this year during a Christmas wafer and New Year's meeting.
text/ photo Marta Olejnik

Photo by Jan Warzecha