On May 11, 2019, the following took place in Przemyśl County Convention of Law and Justice was held in Przemyśl. The president of the Subcarpathian Law and Justice -. Marek Kuchciński emphasized the great contribution of Law and Justice in the good changes in Poland.
He recalled, among others, the so-called Kaczyński's Five, which is supported by as many as 80 percent of Poles, and thanks to which more money will be left in wallets and the quality of life of Polish families will improve.
The new PiS program consists of:
- "Thirteenth pension" in the amount of PLN 888 per hand for each of 10 million pensioners and pensioners. The law has been passed, and the money is already being paid out.
- "500 plus" for each child, upon application, payment from July 1.
- Reducing Labor costs. Raising deductible costs and lowering the PIT from 18 to 17 percent for all employees will reduce the fiscal burden and allow increase the real salaries that Poles receive.
- No PIT for employees up to age 26. The relief will cover all employees under the age of 26 who have a contract of employment or commission. The change will give stable employment among young people and will make it easier for them to start their careers.
- Restoration of Local bus services - special fund for local governments for local transport local transport. Project in the Parliament.
- Our policy helps ensure the sustainable development of Poland and equalize the standard of living of life between its different parts. This is especially important for the Przemyśl region. This is especially important for the Przemyśl region - Kuchciński emphasized. - The New PiS Five and the previously announced programmes such as the "Local Government Roads Fund" or the thermal modernisation programme "Warm Home" means billions of PLN for Eastern Poland in the perspective of several years. Eastern Poland. These actions, combined with extensive social programs These actions, combined with extensive social programs and systematic increase of minimum salaries (increase by 500 PLN) ensure better living conditions - emphasized the Speaker of the Sejm.
Marek Kuchciński pointed out that The success that Law and Justice party achieved in the local elections to the Sejmik The success that PiS has achieved in local, regional and county council elections is a result of hard work. In the elections to the European Parliament This success should be repeated in the elections to the European Parliament, which will be held on May 26th. We must take care for the highest possible turnout. Poland needs a strong representation in Brussels Poland needs a strong representation in Brussels, which will represent us with dignity.
- The basis of our activities was and is credibility. We keep our word. Some of the announced demands have already been implemented and others will be adopted in the coming weeks. in the coming weeks. Earlier promises were not kept: the retirement age was raised, The promises were not kept before: the retirement age was raised, VAT was increased, funds from open pension funds were taken away - Kuchciński said.
The Speaker of the The Speaker of the Sejm recalled the socially important and developmental programs introduced by the Law and Justice developmental programs that have already been implemented:
- School starter kit - Good Start
300 PLN support program for students under the age of 18. Every year, in August, parents receive 300 PLN for a school starter kit pupil w 2017- 4.6 million students
- We lower CIT - we lower taxes
In 2016. PiS lowered the CIT for small and medium-sized companies from 19 to 15 percent. As of January 1, 2019, another CIT cut is in effect - from 15 percent to 9 percent! To one one of the lowest levels in Europe! The rate of 9 percent is still in force in Hungary and in Montenegro. The introduced Change covers about 400 thousand companies.
- Accessibility plus over 8 years - PLN 23 billion
A program for seniors and anyone who needs help with daily living. It is intended to provide real accessibility to places that today many Poles cannot normally get to. Buses, train stations, apartment buildings must be accessible to all. In Poland there are 4.3 million people with disabilities.
Additionally, a minimum pension provision was introduced for women who have given birth to and raised at least four children. They will receive the minimum pension regardless of how much they have worked. Families with 4 or more children in 2011. 184,7 thousand, in rural areas and 88.6 thousand in urban areas.
- Small company - Small Social Insurance Institution
Lower Social Security for companies with a monthly turnover of up to 2.5 minimum wages in Poland. Now a small company pays 1230 PLN. After the change - 660 PLN.
- Local roads
A fund for the construction of local roads worth at least PLN 6 billion has been set up for the repair and construction of local roads. In 2016, according to the Central Statistical Office, only about 60 percent of urban public roads have a hardened surface.
In 2016 in Poland - 420 236 km of public roads, of which freeways and expressways accounted for 3171 km.
The tasks completed by PiS:
Programs: Family 500+, 15% CIT for entrepreneurs, free medicines from the age of 75, lowering of retirement age retirement age, raising the minimum hourly rate to over PLN 13, increase in minimum pensions, withdrawal of compulsory sending of The Constitution for Business, ban on buying Polish land, The Good School reform - these are just some of the projects announced, which have been realized during these more than two years;
List completed election pledges:
Reforms states
- reform education reform - Good school - 8-year elementary school, 4-year high school, 5-year technical schools, trade schools.
- reform of tax administration and establishment of the National Tax Administration,
- judicial reform.
Reforms social reforms
- program Family 500 plus (2.5 million families, 3.7 million children),
- Reducing retirement age to 60 and 65 (350,000 in 2017),
- free medications for seniors,
- increase of the minimum wage the minimum wage to PLN 2250 and the hourly rate to PLN 14.7,
- increase the lowest pensions to PLN 1063,
- restriction trading on Sunday,
- Increase health spending to 6% of GDP in the coming years,
Reform education
- Good school - 8-year elementary school, 4-year high school, 5-year technical school, trade schools,
- abolition of compulsory schooling for 6-year-olds,
- ban taking children away from their parents because of poverty.
- fight against VAT fraud - only in 2017, an increase in revenue of PLN 30 billion
- reduction of CIT from 19 to 9% for small companies and those starting
- reform of tax administration and establishment of KAS - National Fiscal Administration
- increase of the tax-free amount up to PLN 8 thousand
- Sunday trade restriction,
- Business Constitution - Among others, change in the relation between the entrepreneur and the office, possibility The amendment includes a change in the relation between the entrepreneur and the office, possibility of non-registered small business activity, a 6-month allowance 6-month relief from social security contributions for new entrepreneurs.
- Establishment of the Forces of Territorial Defense Territorial Defense Troops,
- Modernisation of uniformed services (including the police and army) - allocated PLN 9.2 billion, of which over PLN 4 billion for pay rises,
- Enhancing energy security (e.g. start-up of gas transport to the gas port in Świnoujście, construction of Baltic Pipe). Pipe).
- Increase in spending on agriculture and Rural development - 49 billion in 2018,
- Insurance for farmers,
- Protection of Polish land against buyout,
- Opening 30 new foreign markets for Polish products.
The following also spoke during the convention MP Krystyna Wróblewska, Deputy Marshal of Podkarpackie Voivodeship Piotr Pilch (a candidate for the European Parliament) and Lucyna Podhalicz, Deputy Governor of Podkarpacie.