Poland a leader in the global economy. Exposé of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki

Economic Development, modern technologies, wage increases, health care reform, air improvement, development of alternative energy sources, infrastructure, support for entrepreneurs, offensive foreign policy, strong and safe Poland - these are the key plans of the government.

During the exposé in the Sejm, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki did not present plans for a revolution in the Council of Ministers. - This government is a government of continuity - he pointed out. A flourishing economy is a condition for conducting generous social policy. We will strengthen and develop social programs - the Prime Minister said.

Morawiecki wants to see Poland as a leader in the global economy. He pointed out that it is today's economic policy that makes Poland a producer of modern technologies in the future. For two years we have not been idle - FTSE Russel ranked Poland among the developed countries - he reminded. The successes of the government of Prime Minister Beata Szydło include a decrease in unemployment, an increase in salaries and an increase in tax revenues. - VAT is not vaciki, and VAT offenders are not robbers from Rumcajsa - said Morawiecki.

The son of a Solidarity legend emphasized the importance of roots and historical policy for the future of our country. - We want to pass on to future generations our path of development, our desire for freedom and truth. We cannot give up our identity. In this context, it is worth recalling the vote, when 90% of the high chamber voted to join the European Union while retaining the right to sovereignty in moral matters," he argued.

One of the most important goals of his government included improving health care. - We will lead to a sharp increase in spending to 6 percent of GDP. This is the answer to the rightful demands of patients, doctors and nurses - announced Morawiecki. At the same time he informed that he will strive to build an Oncology Center, where not only patients will be treated, "but also modern research will be conducted". A similar initiative is to concern the Cardiovascular Health Program. - I want Poles not to suffer from heart disease, unless out of love - he said.

When thinking about the energy industry, one should think about the environment. These are interpenetrating areas. - Coal is the basis of our power industry. We cannot and we do not want to give it up - emphasized the Prime Minister, although he added that at the same time actions will be taken to improve the air quality in Poland. He also announced development of alternative energy sources and construction of a Polish nuclear power plant.

The government will focus on infrastructure, with Poland becoming the beating heart of the region thanks to the S3, S7 and A1 roads. There are also plans to expand the gas pipeline network, seaports and Solidarity Airport.

He announced the finalization of work on the Constitution for Business for the coming weeks. - We must replace the capitalism of consumption installed in Poland by Western financial corporations in the early 1990s with a capitalism of savings and investment, Morawiecki argued. He added that without efficient courts, entrepreneurs have no chance to fight mafias and connections.

The government wants to support the development of Poles' IT talents. The Ignacy Łukasiewicz Research Network is to be created. - We want the youngest generation to be the generation of regained opportunities - said the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister argued for the need for deep changes that must take place in the justice system. He also stressed that his government will not tolerate violence and social pathology. - It cannot be that an abused woman and her children run away from home. We will improve the mechanisms that provide protection for victims of violence - assured Mateusz Morawiecki.






Photo: R. Zambrzycki, K. Białoskórski/ KS





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