The Homo Homini poll published on April 4 confirms the tendency of decreasing distance between PiS and PO. It is also visible in PiS's internal polls, except that according to them Solidarna Polska has no chance of crossing the electoral threshold.
Law and Justice party, basing on the survey of the above mentioned research laboratory, conducted a simulation of the distribution of seats in the Sejm.
Option 1 (results by survey):
PO - 168 seats, PiS - 149, SLD - 68, RP - 61, SP - 12, PSl - 2. That is: PiS and SP together have 161 seats.
Option 2 (PiS 31 % support, i.e. 25 % + 6 %).
PiS - 185 seats, PO - 156, SLD - 64, RP - 53, PSL - 2.
These results prove the absurdity of the thesis about two lungs on the right. If it were not for the departure of Zbigniew Ziobro's group, Law and Justice would currently be leading the polls and could count on the largest number of seats in parliament.
Homo Homini poll: PO - 27 %, Law and Justice - 25 %, SLD - 13 %, Ruch Palikota - 12 %, Solidarna Polsla - 6 %, PSL - 5 %.