The Underground Tourist Route in Przemyśl is a real pearl. Old, medieval walls, crypts and 400 m of underground corridors is a place enchanting with mystery, unique charm and history of Przemysl merchants. Now it will be expanded and equipped with furniture, multimedia devices, graphics, films, sounds and lights to provide us with a journey into the golden age of the city. It promises to be a remarkable tourist attraction.
Project "Underground Tourist Route in Przemysl". It assumes development of the basement of the building at Rynek 1 and the basement and rooms of the building at Rynek 9 and Serbanská 7, connecting them by means of an underground connector, renovation of the historic underground collector's building.
In addition, reconstruction of the north-eastern part of the historic Old Town Square is planned, as well as renovation of three historic buildings - Rynek 1, Rynek 9, Serbańska 7 (renovation of front elevations of buildings Rynek 9 and Serbańska 7, replacement of roof covering of the front slope of Rynek 9 building, interior works). As part of the project, it is also planned to create space for business activities in the building of the National Museum of Przemysl Land and to purchase equipment for the first and second floor of the Museum. The energy efficiency of the Serbańska 7 building will also be improved.
An archaeological survey will be conducted as part of the project.
Competition dedicated to Urban Functional Areas of ROP of Podkarpackie Voivodeship
Applicant: Municipality of Przemysl, Partner: National Museum of Przemysl.
Project value: 13,052,469.76 PLN,
Eligible expenditure: PLN 11,635,084.63,
ERDF co-financing: 8,726,313.37 PLN (75 %)